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NI Vison Acquisition Software 2014.11 SECNOV for Linux Real-time Win32/64Eng 视觉采集软件2014.11安全更新包

文章来源:石鑫华视觉网时间:2022-06-24 16:54:59 点击:359

Windows系统下(Linux和MAC系统下请自行了解清楚)NI的各种软件、模块、工具包、驱动程序,使用NI许可证管理器来激活的,绝大部分的都可以使用NI Lincense Activator来激活:NI序列号Serial Number生成激活工具NI License Activator,LabVIEW/VBAI/VDM/VAS等软件模块工具包破解工具不限版本http://pcmv.cn/thread-490-1-1.html


NI Vison Acquisition Software 2014.11 SECNOV for Linux Real-time Win32/64Eng 视觉采集软件2014.11安全更新包

驱动工业相机、智能相机的视觉采集软件。支持NI LabVIEW 2014、VBAI2014、视觉助手2014、MAX2014、IMAQdx2014等。

文件大小: 239997099 字节 (228.88 MB)
修改日期: 2022-03-26 00:30
MD5: 62058b494ca19aaebe98aad8cc11585d
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CRC32: 02c03443

文件大小: 240796560 字节 (229.64 MB)
修改日期: 2014-11-15 23:33
MD5: c2f16635874a65046f9a1b36608d9402(官方正确)
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SHA256: 9f1ada7969d4e4c35e9c0f5917664ef41ee30145b3d62e72dcb1941d6c908265
CRC32: 3263fba6

NI Vison Acquisition Software 2014.11 SECNOV for Linux Real-time Win32/64Eng 视觉采集软件2014.11安全更新包


(出处: 机器视觉论坛)

NI Vision Acquisition Software 2014.08F1 LabVIEW2014 Win32/64Eng 视觉采集软件VAS2014AugustF1下载

NI Linux Real-Time Security Update for CVS-1458RT, CVS-1459RT

November 2014


A family of security vulnerabilities, commonly known as "Shellshock," affects Linux distributions using GNU Bash, including the NI Linux Real-Time operating system. The NI CVS-1458RT and NI CVS-1459RT run the NI Linux Real-Time operating system and are affected by Shellshock. This security update addresses these vulnerabilities. National Instruments strongly recommends installing this security update on your host machine and NI CVS. For more information, refer to ni.com/info and enter the info code SecurityUpdateNov2014_en.
You must have NI Vision Acquisition Software August 2014 or NI Vision Acquisition Software August 2014 f1 installed before installing this security update. This security update does not include the fixes from the NI Vision Acquisition Software August 2014 f1 patch.

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