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NI LabVIEW 8.6 Win32Chn LV8.6 32位中文版下载

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NI LabVIEW 8.6 Win32Chn LV8.6 32位中文版下载

LabVIEW可提供简单易用的交互式图形化编程软件,同时适用于工程设计和科学研究。 LabVIEW能从数千种仪器以及数据采集和测量设备上快速获取数据,各种交互式向导和500多个内置的LabVIEW测量分析和信号处理函数可用于抽取用户数据的有用信息,并将结果以图形化方式显示在自定义用户界面、图形图表以及报表中。


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NI LabVIEW 8.6 Win32Chn LV8.6 32位中文版下载


(出处: 机器视觉论坛)

LabVIEW 8.6自述文件(仅适用于Windows)
本文件介绍关于Windows平台上的LabVIEW 8.6的最新重要信息,包括安装和升级、兼容问题、部分已修正错误的列表,以及基于LabVIEW 8.5.x的改动。关于升级和兼容信息以及LabVIEW 8.6新功能的完整列表见LabVIEW 升级说明。安装说明见LabVIEW发行说明。安装LabVIEW后,通过在LabVIEW中选择帮助»搜索LabVIEW帮助并浏览技术支持和专业服务部分,可访问上述文档。
也可访问NI网站获取从LabVIEW 8.5.x进行升级所需的更多信息。
关于LabVIEW 8.6的最新信息,请访问NI网站。
关于LabVIEW附加软件,包括模块和工具包,见labview eadme目录下的readme文件。
LabVIEW支持Windows Vista/XP/2000。LabVIEW不支持Windows NT/Me/98/95、所有版本的Windows Server以及Windows XP x64。LabVIEW支持Windows Vista x64。
如计算机上已经安装另一个语言版本的LabVIEW 8.6,安装新的语言版本前必须卸载现有语言版本。
关于安装LabVIEW的更多信息见LabVIEW 发行说明。
您可在线查看LabVIEW 8.6的问题记录。关于LabVIEW 8.6的问题记录的最新完整列表,请访问NI网站。
  • 单击LabVIEW MathScript窗口中预览栏的更新按钮,可在MathScript中同步显示类型下拉菜单中所选数据类型的值。如需更改预览栏中数据类型的值,可单击更新按钮,在MathScript中用新值更新该数据类型。如未更改预览栏中数据类型的值,可单击更新按钮,在MathScript中用最新的值更新该数据类型。

  • LabVIEW运行引擎不支持的MathScript中的quad函数。该函数不能用于独立应用程序或共享库。

  • 如安装LabVIEW 8.6或最新的NI设备驱动程序时未安装LabVIEW SignalExpress 3.0,生成代码后某些SignalExpress VI可能断开。

  • 在Windows和LabVIEW Real-Time模块中,“等待(ms)”函数的动作不相同。在Windows中,“等待(ms)”函数保持等待状态,直至毫秒计数器的值等于等待时间(毫秒)输入端的指定值。在RT模块上,“等待(ms)”函数的等待时间至少为等待时间(毫秒)输入端的指定值。“等待(ms)”函数的误差为正负1毫秒。

  • LabVIEW 8.6的LabVIEW基础和LabVIEW入门指南文档并无更改。因此,文档内容未反映LabVIEW 8.6的新变化。绝大多数的升级信息见LabVIEW帮助。

  • 如需重置NI分布式系统管理器的安全设置,可删除SysMan ACL.acl文件。

下面是在LabVIEW 8.5.1和LabVIEW 8.6中修正的部分错误的ID和标题。通过CAR的ID可以查询已经修正的错误。错误列表并未包含当前版本LabVIEW中修正的全部错误。
115277-XY Graph area expands in X direction by changing Y scale range
113915-LabVIEW crashes when using Insert Into Array to insert two arrays into a 2D array
113881-Creating a DAQmx task from a LabVIEW project crashes LabVIEW
112820-File tab on project takes a long time to load when source code control is enabled
112733-LabVIEW Import Shared Library Wizard Hangs when importing .dll created from an .m file
112554-Setting HideText to FALSE Hides Selected Text
112477-VI does not appear to be broken when type-def gets altered
111886-Mixed signal Graph will not autoscale plot 1
110616-VI Server method "Run VI" has strange behavior if callee VI is reentrant
110597-Relative Time Stamp function doesn't work properly in LabVIEW 8.5.1
109951-Problem in complex version of FIR Narrowband Filter VI
109768-Project with auto-populate folder prompts for save even if no changes are made
109751-Show constant folding option changes outputs in for loop executing 0 times
109710-Case structure doesn't work with DBL data type
109709-Suspend mode can stomp on caller data
109589-Search Ordered Table returns Inf when searching past bounds
108699-Error 0 Occured at Project Property Node in LabVIEW 8.5 & 8.5.1
108413-Compiling customer VI in 8.5.1 drastically increases execution time
107937-Calling a subVI that calls a subVI with Database Access enabled crashes LabVIEW
107924-Auto-populating folder allows drag-drop from explorer
107352-Zip builder fails with error 7 when including application or shared library build spec outputs
106982-LVOOP Type Propagation problem
106945-LabVIEW 8.5.1 installer removes some earlier version registry keys, breaking some compatibility
106299-LabVIEW Class Browser creates incorrect DAQmx System and Device property nodes
105907-VI Properties does not properly list reason why VI cannot be unlocked
105629-Convert Panel To Screen Coordinates method not usable while running
105336-Using ActiveX controls with the create document option crashes LabVIEW
105082-Unable to close Time Domain Math Express VI after Opening Front Panel
105073-LabVIEW crash upon opening VI with formula node using while loop and if else statement
104765-Read Data Express VI of the Storage Palette breaks the Main VI in the Japanese version of LabVIEW 8.5.1
104239-Global Variable crashes LabVIEW if the controls within it are deleted
103428-Problems with project if a VI filename contains a '/' character
103297-Changing a Text Ring control to fixed point representation crashes LabVIEW
103244-Opening a reference to a simple VI in a project takes 2-4 times as long if the folder containing the VI has ever been expanded
102226-Format Into String function containing an enum input with an out of range value crashes LabVIEW
101959-LabVIEW Crash without an error when comparing string constant to a control refnum of a sub-vi
101838-In MathScript, getfileproperty returns error for multiple channels with identical name
101769-Write PNG File.vi modifies input image without record
101706-Instructions in Tools>>Options for configuring palette are unclear
101705-MathScript exist function partially broken
101666-MathScript exist function returns true for nonexistent variable
101612-Setting Strings[] property allocates arrays
101579-MathScript can't accept a fixed-size array input
101516-Right-click on plot legend crashes Labview
101367-VI item property can not be pasted in LabVIEW project window if copy/cut/paste library owns the VI
100830-Multiplot Cursors on Mixed Signal Graph Follows the Tangent of the Signal
100780-Append VI list of subVIs to report.vi; don′t create subVI icons in emp folder
100643-LabVIEW crashes with a called-by-reference VI dialog
100626-Property nodes acting as if they should always ignore errors instead of jumping out early
100519-Customized Icon Editor causes LabVIEW to hang
100474-Property nodes do not return values when errors occur inside node in LabVIEW 8.5. but do in 8.2 and prior
100334-LV 8.5.1 crashes when creating multiplot cursor mixed signal graph
100090-MathScript 'end' keyword doesn't work inside RHS indexing matrix
100002-MathScript save command only saves first variable
99838-LabVIEW Forced to Close When Using In Place Element Structure and Deleting Replace Array Subset
99672-LabVIEW freezes when ALT key is pressed and menu is disabled
99515-TDMS Primitive broken in 8.6
99392-Import DLL Wizard: Tool hangs generating files when Report Generation Toolkit installed
99250-MathScript can't load .mat file with platform MACI
98880-Error -1950679035 when there are concurrent Logos XT and Logos connections
98441-Static VI reference to Dynamic VI returning invalid reference on first call
98282-VIs in lvlibs cannot be compared using Compare VI Hierarchy Tool
98256-Right click mouse down events are not fired on disabled controls that are in a group
97975-Read Measurement File VI doesn't support time columns in TDMS files
97486-Format Into String gives error "End of file encountered" for some numeric values
97405-Ctrl+click on a locked VI does not force recompile of the VI unless the diagram is unlocked
97367-DLL Build Time is Too High for Large Number of Exports
96805-Libraries contain illegal characters that causes build to fail
95901-MathScript can't delete row if matrix has more rows than columns
95756-LabVIEW 8.5 crashes when wire a constant to input refnum of Deny Access VI function.
95442-Calling External C Code Array Pointer with Size of 2^n Elements Returns Incorrect Results in LabVIEW 8.5
95097-Building a DLL that has a boolean control on the conn pane results in no type information generated in the DLL
95068-Unexpected and inconsistent results in Gaussian White Noise.vi
94692-Histogram VI with misleading help or bad handling of 1 sample
94690-Labview crashes when you click on an array of clusters that is updating
94378-Quadrature VI hangs LabVIEW if tolerance <= 0
94228-LV 8.5 crash when class and project are in the same folder
94190-Table hangs after carriage return in cell
93912-VI comparison doesn't report different configuration of "In Range and Coerce" node
922984AOEJ5F2Get Panel Image and Print.VI to HTML Method Cuts Off FP/BD Images
737484IAH4TPWCreating an override method fails if parent class VI has short wires
736264I3AKG00MDF prompts for distribution when network installed distribution is not located.
735994I7BCEN8Editing the icon template for my class doesn't prompt to apply that icon to all the VIs in my library if they're in folders
733144HU92DP2Call by ref node does not update when static ref changes
731074HK9MDHAUsing true-false selector in generated code template cause unnecessary extra copy
727834HAEO4N8Crash opening context help window on Name Control wire when appropriate support isn't installed
725404H88KQTDZher, zher2 cause memory leakage in bigtest on Windows
722814GKDGTORMathScript tsearch returns incorrect result
721754GUF2AVIReshape Array works incorrectly in loop when reshaping array larger than in a previous iteration
719224GDGE5F2Format Into File and Scan From File Functions Cannot Be Dropped with New VI Object Function
719204GDB6AP2SCC provider peforming unexplained server status checks under certain editing operations
718094GD9N7SNGeneral Eigen VI returns improper result
717394G7F3Q00Static VI Reference to an instance VI
716994GA9HE28Multirate palette VIs should not be included in LabVIEW 8.5.1
703864F89HEP2Control label of a control reference in a typedef instance doesn't update when typedef is changed
703324FCD3VWBVI Hierarchy Window doesn't draw LabVIEW Class VIs correctly
702774FD8BN7NUndo crashes Shared Clone VI
702354FCC8K1WBroken running VI - failed to reserve dynamic VIs
698474F67PKDXMathScript window takes too long to shut down
698114EPCHLJ1Fix icons for three vi.lib LVClass utilities
697604EP9D0P2LabVIEW crashes when reading IsOnConnPane scripting property on a subpanel
697194EPFDM03PolyVIs cannot be disconnected from lvlib if lvlib is missing from the file menu of the poly vi. the option is missing
696934EPEBUCSClass won't leave Project Dependencies
696874EP8G6V6Save For Previous on To FXP conversion bullet yields VI that crashes Jupiter/Saturn
696694ES8GKM3Example Finder hardware ID for 9233 is incorrect
696074ES3A1IKOptions for Printing not as expected
694764EM87D5PSaveForPrevious has problem with overridable terminal
694044EN98QP2Autopopulating folder retains path when project saving for previous.
693664ELAP9WXActiveX control could not be loaded in the attached VI
693484EM9M120DSC Shared Variable I/O Control Cannot be Programatically Set to Empty String Constant
693244EM9JAORdgemm returns zero matrix for input matrix of order 2048
692424EGF7U5PIncorrect terminal name when "Adapt to source"
692344EN8BLDPCall Library Function Node Parameter Deletion Misbehavior
692114ELFHRTDMatrix Log should return a warning when the input matrix is singular
690674E9E6100The VI server method ExportVIInterface is returning bad data in some cases
689394EBCJU5IUser-Defined Functions in DLLs - First DLL build error
689374EAFQN5INonStatic MathScript Code - VI Broken - build Error
689184EB988NTSource palette for structures - the source pallete was not displayed for Decoration palletes
686894E9A8DP2Error when trying to configure Seapine Surrond SCM in LabVIEW
681254E0ECHE1Opening multiple files from an LLB does not remember corrected locations of a missing control
680214DJBBVXECheck out prompt notification is displayed when "New VI" is created from the file menu of a project in source control
679624DJGFK7NBinary MLS is not reentrant but contains state
678184DJDT700Save as rename on project file causes load of all contents and search for missing items
677934DJDQT54Libs incorrectly show up under 'items in mem'
675864DD81IP2Extra dependent files are returned when selecting "Add to Source Control" on a project folder
673134DGFH7A6Resampling VI crashes
670464D9A04NTDynamic Library loading - Unable to find LoopingCalls.vi
669854D9FRJ5PFXP values not shown when highlight execution is on
664274CTFC3NMLogos browse items for boolean variables report them as DBL's instead
664174CSD5D6QSquare VI does not return correct value when input is FXP
661504CNCKJ9AVIs with lots of chained case structures can take a long time to compile
659904CJH76F2Grown and Constant FB Config Options Are Not Compatible
658904CKEQ1F2Erroneous problem with project with Auto-populate Folders
658464CM7PEBDBasic Spectral Measurement.vi crashes LabVIEW when opened
657684CM36IQEThe performance test suite does not take paths which are more than one level hierarchy
655544CDG41MXFlatten to XML primitive doesn't work for fixed-point numerics
653784CD88JSFMathScript request for xlim, ylim, and zlim functions
652874C2B7U54After rename of conflict, conflict glyph still remains
652134BU9JHBQSome Math VIs are not seen as part of libraries when doing a palette search
651084C0EI3FF.NET - The code to display cross link warnings when assemblies have been moved changes the actual path instead of a copy
649934BUAM4F2Breakpoints on Storage VIs Disappear when Moving from LabVIEW 8.2 to 8.5
649384BN9PDLNMathScript plot issue; title
648634BOD6AN8Fixed point type can't be wired to case structure selector
647644BO7SLN8Crash casting a double with units to a fixed point number
647594BSEJB00Closing the Dialog (using the X button) that pops up when dropping the Storage VIs Get/Set Properties freezes LabVIEW
645584BHD7Q00Cross-context loading can give you two linkobjs with the same name
645474BJCA7N8Default values of Set Datalog Position aren't working
645254BH7MJN8Attempting to exit LabVIEW while the llb manager is open prompts you to abort running VIs
644864BIB6700Can't use "Remove breakpoints from hierarchy" while running
644844BGHLELJClosing a Project Item Reference to a VI invalidates a downstream Open VI Reference
644234BCFMCOISource Distribution feature does not work for certain modules
643624B9A1FBDPossible problem with Open VI Reference and autobuild/VIServer calls in LabVIEW
643274BB6KOP2Merge dialog comes up runable in LabVIEW Full
642714B9DO203VI under an autopopulating folder cannot be added to a library
642654B58RS00LLB Manager can't identify top VI correctly
642474BBEDVP2Linux merge dialog is sized badly
642384B98E1MOCompare doesn't report properly change to the Generate Wrappers setting for Call Library Function Node
642254B5FEMF2File/Directory Info Returns Different Values with Wired Output
641744ARD3OV2Inserting Bundle by Name node into class wire behaves differently than cluster
641274ARCNQCSCode Interface Node calls show up in Dependencies
641234AQ9JNDUUnit_string should not be added to the waveform attributes when read from a tdms file
640864AQE6OPWProblems with MathScript Probe and global variables
640774APBPOPWYou shouldn't be able to probe MathScript nodes if debugging is turned off
640464APEMC00Unload MathScript Compiler code is duplicated
640124AHCM2MXNumeric Property page sets VI server properties desired min and max individually
638414AID3TG0Delete from Disk shows "Deletion will result in missing subVI errors." even when the VI has no callers
637234ACBHCDXMathScript complex sort() and Sort Complex Numbers VI do not sort tied magnitudes by phase angle
635884A6AOTOUMathScript delete function not supported
6348849TAPLOUMathScript auread function not supported
634864A6CK400"Make top level in LLB" option does not work for project folders App Builder Source Distributions
634634A5GK8N8Can't turn on adapt to entered data on a fixed point (or integer) constant inside a cluster
63196493ECHK9Creating a control from the TDMS Write VI leads to a broken wire
6303148PB7BOUMathScript stepfun function not supported
6301048BFT8V6Crash on shutdown when Load Warnings window is open
6299648OAL61WBrowse Relationships - "This VI's Callers" is disabled for Dynamic Dispatch VIs
6293548GE03OUMathScript: imagesc not supported
62656477C8NOUMathScript: 'quad' function not supported
6206743FCOQP2Showing/Hiding pane label does not cause a doc mod
617613ZPGE9PWCreating a variable called 'ctranspose' breaks the ' operator in MathScript
617323ZOBGDN8Shared variable dropped from palette shows 3 errors, none of which seem ideal
616093Y5HANMQCan't use "Remove breakpoints from hierarchy" while running
616043Y5BTDTZComplex Bessel Functions not working correctly in MathScript
614193VKBPS1WLabVIEW unable to create modal windows after remote debugging
610083L4A65P2Name of Tree property "Show at Indent Level 0" does not match functionality
609263HGADP3ZNew dialog doesn't close immediately when new shared variable created
60785369GOA1WNavigation Window does not save maximized state when closed
602174I6CG2VIOpen VI Ref does not show search dialog when looking for missing subVIs
602094I4EN800Dynamic VI call in UserMessage Callback in the TestStand LabVIEW UI hangs LabVIEW
601874I7AJ100Using the lvanlys complex IIR filter as against two real IIR filters on a CDB array is slower on some machines
601494I49DV00Call by ref node crashes in some undo then close use cases
600374HS4CTGBBuild Fails With Error 7 When Destination Label Matches Virtual Folder Structure.
598824HLF9B14Using a feedback node with a sub-array input causes LabVIEW to crash
598614HNCIEORMethod Object.FindObject return error if the output is unwired
597124HEA1BORMathScript save can not write data into external data file
597064HAGGKBTIncorrect value range of fxp data type
596234H5DDLP2Boolean Array To Number should sign extend when overridden with wider output.
596094H3D9P2NBlock node caption does not update correctly in Icon View
595474H6HORHZQuotient and Remainder function impropertly coerces to I64 and can return incorrect value
595464H6DTUGQLV-Built DLL's process Win32 messages during startup
595174GKB07NQDBL -> FXP is much slower than DBL -> I32 via Calibration VIs
594264GQA4KNOSweep chart crashes LabVIEW 8.5
594124GGDR700Project Continually asks to save vis even after mass compile.
593774GHB01VBGet LabVIEW Class Default Value VI - Unclosed Reference to Owning Application
593704GI8I952LabVIEW crash when replacing graph with chart and creating cursor.
593674GGD1EN4Array Constant scrollbar properties don't work
593254GDE5K3AInplaceness error - cluster copy incremented
593044GGE21RJCannot force to display trailing zeros for fixed point integer number
592564GAFM6SFMathScript needs 'warning' function
592474GBEB2V9Maximum error detection on CLF node causes addressing error when calling a DLL
592444G6E5HDXMathScript error() should not return an error if input string is empty.
592424GB6DJ0GLabVIEW 8.5 crash with scrollbar on plot legend.
592414GB4DMQHDisconnect from type definition causes LabVIEW to crash
592184GAED7SFMathScript 'griddata' returns incorrect results with 'cubic' setting
592154GBAAV00VI Server Check Responsiveness method not working properly
592034G68QQ6BLocked LabVIEW 8.2 VI's with MathScript Node have broken arrow when opened in LabVIEW 8.5
591904G5F293AWiring not a path to a call library function node produces an error, empty or invalid path does not
591854G4D8SD1XML Scripting does not provide references to wires
591744G2AK900Absolute Time and Relative Time are swapped in the "Format & Precision" Property Page dialog
591584G2E9E5DWaveform Attributes in Mixed Signal Graphs
591534G49MR1WSquare wave off by one point on linux
590764FQ967QHWrite to single-process shared variable alters error message
590744FS8Q3HACompare ability need to pass in the object refs for comparison
590604FS84507Dependencies show in Project - Files tab view, even when they are deselected
590514FQ3RJ00Project moving files on disk loading crashes LabVIEW
590454FJC8JSNResample returns same result with different anti-aliasing filter setting
590144FGDAS00Adding a class to a library and saving the library doesn't prompt for saving the class
590064FF1BL00LabVIEW class control update
590004FEE09U4Project shows incorrect dependencies
589904FJA4UAPFind VIs on Disk will find but cannot open classes
589894FJA3IAPGetting Started Window may not show proper conflict resolution dialogs
589644FI1M6IZWhen a frame decoration is in front of controls, CPU usage increases
589504FE4DE7UInconsistent 1077 errors when plotting data on a Waveform Graph in a SubVI
589384FBCICNKCall Library Function with String arg and Minimum Size causes incorrect String
589344FDI8JXERun (provider) client menu item is not enabled in Tools>>Source Control
589324FD9PU5IPrinting Page UI Testing - Unable to find "Standard Printing" and "Bitmap Printing" in the Printing page options
589204FBBHU00NI-TDMS cdfs should contain different versions as the dlls change from release-to-release
589034FCGDHE9Graphing DSTEP in MathScript
588944FC8E0DError when building DLL with a Waveform
588744FCCC000Crash when a VI is both called by a member of a LabVIEW class and calls another member of the same class
588584FB9PJ54Maximized private data ctls flash up and cause trouble
588544EUGF326No IP record in summary message appears
588504EUFQ954Need to compile after load in separate context.
588484F5HD99AOpen/Create/Replace Datalog.vi does not show confirmation message when "replace or create with confirmation" is selected
588464F4AIRNKMatrix Condition Number saturates to inf at low numbers
588404F4K00RBMatrix Determinant VI returns non 0 for matrices where it should be 0
588194F1EIJTMMathScript feval doesn't find functions in search path directories
588144F58QJF7VI containing 845x reference opened from LabVIEW 8.5 project crashes LabVIEW
588064EUGI2HERendezvs and Semaphore appear in dependencies list
588034F4DMDJ1LabVIEW crashes when creating a control of LVClass Refnum type
588014EO8NNHACrash On RT because of some LabVIEW callback problems
587974EPGF8E0Coercion dot dissappears when view style changes from ExpressVI to 32X32 Icon
587954EO823HOTDMS VIs do not free file reference if file open fails due to an error
587644EUC1P0DCall Library Node Instance Data Pointer
587484EOCM768VRML file not loaded with wrong positions
587344ELES2FNLabVIEW classes orphaned in certain cases during application build
587224EGCS1E1Mixing RefnumTags and Refnums in a class doesn't work
587164EMGA8OREvalc does not work in MathScript Node
587014EH9GLS0Logos initialization code throws exceptions but is not exception safe; leads to crashes
586944EL96U5C3D Graph XControl uses NaN as the count for a for loop and, naturally ,runs out of memory
586894EL8P3J1Reentrant clones do not unload when their front panels are closed
586874EM8MQZUCrash in Logos XT PSP Server if a variables buffer is too small to hold a single value
586604EG0UKD4The dll Import Wizard Will Not Complete With Certain Dlls
586504EE8N99ZShared Variables nodes always cause problem on load/patch
586444E9DE968Run When Opened build spec option does not save properly in LabVIEW 8.5
586334EF0A91GManual Deletion of Class from LabVIEW 8.5 Project Does Not Completely Remove Class from Project
586214EFEKT9ZShared variable loses linkage when upgrading from 8.5 with no project
586174E9BLU5MWaveform Graph Plot Area does not resize when changing axis visibility
586124E8C8H9AChanging icon of a library whose member VIs are all contained in virtual folders inside the lib does not prompt to apply lib overlay
586054E8OP6YGet/set unmodified function keys as runtime menu shortcut test - VI broken since it cannot find required subVIs
586004E3F15J1Poly VIs on the block diagram of dynamic dispatch VIs do not count as connecting dynamic input to dynamic output
585884E4DNA0DAdvanced report generation has some VIs off the palette
585834E2C8KUZThe LabVIEW Storage Express VIs have input and outputs named the same
585824E87RIVIVI Server - Open App Ref can hang even if passing in a timeout
585714E3E560DPalette API Item Path type problems
585654E2EGCXECannot find - "Plot Images- Read .vi" at the specified location.
585604E3GITXEThere are duplicate copies of "RT Analysis Workspace.lvproj " in NI Example Finder
585484E78KBXESplit Signals function does properly generate output terminals when manually expanded
585384DRDR89ABuilt app that has an instance VI calling a call dll node is broken when run; appbuilder completely misses nested instance VIs non VI dependencies
585244E19S6TQSave for Previous crashes LabVIEW on a VI containing strict typedef XY graph or XY Graph Reference
585154DR8EBMXVIs in lvclass are not loaded on second drop of a control of the class data type.
584904DJF4KGKCrash when triggering autowiring of a feedback node to another node
584824DNLAPAHLV Crashes when Displaying Error Dialog
584664DIH22RJCopying a Shift Register on a Timed Loop Using a Ctrl Mouse Drag crashes LabVIEW
584654DOE59VICrash when loading ODF Editor.lvproj in LabVIEW 8.5
584214DDFRIF3Hyperlinks of hardware requirements in example finder do not work for several devices
584024DI8LUP2Error 8 when building an app when using a custom ini file that has a LabVIEW section.
583994DCCLJ00Problem when dragging non-LV file from project tree onto front panel path control
583924DHD4PV6Renaming VI to name of deleted VI under Dependencies partially updates project
583734DGBENWXSave as on a class - unable to rename Rename3.lvclass back into Rename2.lvclass
583634DC89TAQLabVIEW crash if you change a numerical representation in a cluster in the customize view
583224DA6AGILabVIEW crashes when creates a indicator from a LabVIEW Object Reference
583124D3KLC68Waveform Chart X-Scale Marker displays incorrectly with Absolute Time
582924D48KR00Details of unsuccess application building .exe too imprecise
582894D48JF00Source Files under Application Builder don't get updated correctly when added and then removed from the "Always Included" pane
582844CU3EIU1Host Interface Read/Write Control is not listing all Controls
582694CUDFPYZDragging LabVIEW Objects from one project to another crashes LabVIEW
582284CL9AQX3LabVIEW should look for both the new and old IVI interface
582174CJ9C4P2Version Filetype for LabVIEW built DLL's is set incorrectly.
582014CJ8MM5MLabVIEW 8.5 Shared Library does not display Include Paths
581934CK915TZMac OS X System Sliders get bigger ever time a VI is saved
581894CKHLL00LabVIEW crashes when dragging a VI icon over certain items
581854CLA8LN8Save For Previous should be disabled without the diagram password
581814CK75NP2Default language on app builder Run-Time Language page is English on Chinese OS.
581804CK6IGP2Default Language setting does not update when "Support all languages" is selected in app builder.
581604CEB53P2Local variables lose their names when linked terminal set to "Adapt to source"
581564CG6T9AFCrash dragging anything from file view into a project
581204C9DKJA3Minimum size of structure is too large with long cluster names
580864C172NVIVI Ref property from "subVI" class needs context help
580794C171MVISkip Sub Routine Call property from "subVI" class needs context help
580494C58OHP2Source Files and Source File Settings trees don't scroll back to the top when all items are closed.
580434C58HH4ILabVIEW crashes if I try to drop a New VI object of type Cancel Button with the owner as the "Motion resource" control.
580414C1A37J1Bug when dragging .lvclass from project tree to path control
580294BNA4PP2Files in folders that apply "Include if referenced" inclusion show up greyed out in Source Files page.
580044BNGBBZULogos XT: No k_DISCONNECTED notification if a connection attempt is rejected by the server
580004BPH6SM0Resize VI Merge
579994BO94JN8Properties page for elements of waveform let you change it to unsupported types, causing crash
579934BP7CTP2Selecting Run on a build spec that was saved one one OS but opened in another displays a warning dialog.
579844BQ9C4ORMathScript error in setting color for multiple lines
579834BQ9AUWJRead Event Data Example doesn't work
579374BJ9D7J1Double clicking on LLB Manager to open a VI doesn't bring VI to the front if VI already open
579344BHA29P2App builder UI preview takes a very long time to display large set of output.
579154BFD8LZULogos XT needs to provide an explicit disconnect method on a socket
579054BJC6H00Default object is copied when inplace structure is used.
579004BMBPN6MThe front object is clipping in reference to the camera.
578934BFAT6O5Error 53 Get File Type.vi When Used in an Executable
578704B56C400Coercion dot behavior change with compare primitive.
578634B91BLMDFeedback node initialize terminal moves when using arrow keys for positioning in a Timed Loop
578594BBDNE00Print Report prints only 1 copy regardless user input
578484BA9J5P2No error is returned when trying to programmatically build a non Source Dist build spec in base, full LabVIEW
578384BC9FU00DB Variant to Data returns stale data
578364BB7PL2JMathScript 'hold' not recognized by freqz
578354BB7MS00Typedef array or numeric and numeric do not match for drag and drop
578044BBEHGC3DAbort in debug build only, when dragging VI from dependencies to my computer
578024B5FNJ89Compare VI and VI Hierarchies do not recognize differences in initialized controls within a cluster
577804B1916BWDLL Wizard: update doesn't remember VI names
577574B0DSJWQFound non-reentrant VIs in waveform "FFT Power Spectrum for 1 Chan.vi" hierarchy
577354AICTBP2Certain text makes the Three Button Dialog look bad.
577264AJ9FBP2Integer word length coercion is not corrrect in numeric property page
577064AL8TT2NFeedback Node appears as 4 objects on the block diagram
577034AHACSQ6In Place Element Structure: border nodes overlap when created by right-clicking the top border
576904AKCNPJ1When LVClass/Variant DDO contains missing LVClass data, control is not grayed out
576874AI9S8P2Adding many files in the app builder source files page takes a long time.
576864AK5T56IPath controls don't open to folder it expects
576754ADBP7OUMathScript command input field does not show up correctly on startup sometimes
576674ACDJHP2Adding a control or polyVI that is in a libray as Always Included, does not distribute the owning library
576604AED61V6Saving a project VI with changed dependencies does not docmod project
576564ABDS4E9LabVIEW 8.5 French - Problem in find project item dialog with low resolution
576484AEFTMGACrash on callisto
576384AE1UK91Converting LLB To Directory That Contains a VI with Japanese Name Causes Error 1
576344AA93O00Import web service tool invalid path names
576294AEDFE00Trying to save for previous on a VI currently in vi.lib does nothing and gives no error
576234AC6DA2JMathScript polystab is slow
576104A4AFPQ6Build path displayed in build status dialog does not match output directories in AB UI Load Previous test.
576094A0APG00Use vi.lib/AdvancedString/Path To Command
5754349N98KS0variable label doesn't update after renaming
5752249F8C1J1Cluster to Array prim doesn't seem to handle LVClasses intelligently
57516490AGUDENo Rename option on Project root item
5744348NGJ7XXPasting array contents on front panel deletes all other elements
5743148N74H1GNeed a "VI Hierarchy window" for MathScript
5741748MFOI00Determine whether we still need to deploy TypeDesc attribute
5740848JGN12K"Include SubVIs" checkbox doesn't include dynamic subVIs.
57380484FF8FNVista UI - Create a new probe Dialog
5734447SCI7GOType name change on bundler/unbundler does not cause auto-grow
5730447MFBMN8Output configuration of nodes and the waveform datatype
5728847E9AHZULogos XT should return an error with the k_DISCONNECTED status
5718346BB6D00Unflatten XML slowdown
5717246C8L5VXSoftware triggering with hysteresis doesn't work in signal express.
57168467E11XCNew additions to Application:TargetOS property could adversly affect App Builder
5716546DGB0I0Remote Panels and VLM Cause Undesired Behavior
5713345U8NU9ZUser gets no indication that the Variable could not resolve the alias and has fallen back on the "last known" IP address
5712345U7DRVRSingle Plot cursor on Digital Waveform Graph crashes LabVIEW
57116460DNKIJMatrix Logarithm.vi gives inconsistent results on Windows vs RT
5710845OADI0SDragging over 30 shared variables and dropping them on a front panel can't be accomplished successfully
5710645O8LAP2Cancelling removal of missing class file from project results in dialog calling project corrupt.
5710045GB9KV9Variable reference is destroyed too early when a variable in a subVI is called from multiple hierarchies
5701644DLSS7QMajor grids disappear on waveform graph
56999444F09MQUser sees search dialog instead of error after giving bad DLL to CLN
5698743S3M57UWaveform Chart Control Probe No Longer Works For All Data Types
569584388O1FIUsing a higher count of Shared Variables in a VI makes the VI respond very slow during development.
5692742MDRSX6Shared Varibles disappear on the block diagram
5687541Q7I1ABBehavior when opening read/write and read-only sesssions on same TDMS file depends on order
5683940THMI99Waveform Graph Custom Probe Only Works For DBL Data
567763ZJFNHHANeed better error reporting if PDF file is not installed
567383YSA44BWCompare VIs doesn't report VI path link changes
566813YC9T09ORemove breakpoints from heirarchy does not work for subVI's from library
566473Y0H7C9AWiring from SNode diagram to SNode's containing diagram, setting tack point, and wiring back to snode behaves differently in 8.1 than in 7.1
566413XUC9E00Memory Usage window incorrectly reports subarrays as fully allocated arrays
566373XOEOS2KCustom Probes can cause recursion; need same behavior as regular custom probes
565803WICRJSQSingle Process Shared Variable VI Saved At Project Level, Regardless of Owning Library Location.
565743WBH00J1Compare primitives (other than = and !=) don't work with LVClasses
565443W3ESOC3Need to not use absolute addressing of LVClass gencode
564913V7F0FRSAppBuilder <Not A Path> doesn't allow user to type into it
562853P6GLMBWThe NI-488-errors.txt file not being installed on Mac & Windows.
561663KDFUL00Cannot build a dll with LabVIEW App Builder if LabVIEW is installed to a path containing multibyte characters
561343J7A8IJ1Variable terminal spanning the whole node causes wiring issues
560773HGGQE3ONo list of properties when creating a property node for a splitter bar
560263CTG0CEOCreate a variable from a right click option on a wire
558072U9G8M00ConnectorTM not updated when caption is deleted.
557992VHDQKJ1If probe is open with unsaved changes, using that probe discards changes without asking
557762RDBPUXCReport Generation VIs aren't the same between Windows and Mac
555504I5GC9KUIConfig::browseNode strips single-quotes from some tag names
555294HUEHCD5Weight of curve fitting can't be changed in C code
554764HL7CE00Please fix Queue Stack - LIFO.vi example programs for issues introduced in LabVIEW 8.6.
554094GK9ESXXLabVIEW Crashes After Modifying Cursor Value in Corrupt Waveform Graph
552814FC6TLHOFront Panel of nested subpanel control not accessable in LabVIEW 8.5
552744F12PAWQLabVIEW crash - right-click on timed loop in text or tree palette format mode
552704F0ETBPWMathScript UDFs have inconsistent case-sensitivity
552424EB6HMP2LabVIEW crashes when deleting an item from a class after it was removed from source control.
552284E89QTN8Crash setting Index Count property on Index Array node inside flat sequence
552164DGGKPQUInvalid Variable Inputs with Formula Waveform VI in LabVIEW 8.5
552094DADILSGIO Control interface does not call into GetIOControlRtClickMenuItems from a built LabVIEW executable
550804AIBG43ZAnnoying dialogs output on Cancel from password prompt
550754AO9EFTDIO Assistant support being installed to LabVIEW 7.1 even when LabVIEW 7.1 not installed
550554A3EDUNBOpen Front Panel option should not be available on Black Box Code gen VI
5496644C83BW0Mouse Down Event for Right Click doesnt work on disabled controls, if VI is used in a SubPanel
5495443CFE91JMac OS X Creates Incorrect File Permissions After Install
5494942A9TBN8Stack overflow doing "Create SubVI" (reproduces in LabVIEW 4.0.1)
548873VEGNI77"Refnum-free" property nodes leak refnums
548403NPFG683Fixed size arrays do not work with VI server variant get/set control value.
547244HU8LQTDSylvester Eqs and Lyapunov Eqs cause memory leakage in LV8.5.1.
547024HDA3J00Block node caption does not update correctly in Icon View
546934HFD291GUpgrade codes for help installers conflict
546624GUF1QGSForcing class private data to include Xcontrol Refnum crashes LabVIEW
546614GDCRETDThe Spline Interpolation 1D VI should use the derivatives of initial boundary when the initial boundary is 2nd derivative.
546414G6EG79ZDuplicate PersistentIDs for Variables in .lvproj file
546374GB87JP2BlockNode Express VIs drop with empty diagrams
546134FJFQOI5Linking issues in project explorer using an .lvlib library
546034FJDRUGOMarked As Modifier option not undone after undo operation.
545854F5AC8TDHermite Interpolation 1D VI gives uncoherent results with its help. Compatibility issue with the size of X.
545784ETDPSTD2D Interpolation VI gives unreasonable results when the inputs sizes don't match.
544834C1867N8Variant to Data outputing different data the first time its run vs. subsequent runs
544734BPF7DWNDataSocket will not load on Mac if drivers are not installed
544574BAAOMVISimplify C Interface package file
544354AHFTU00convert to subvi doesn't work on new express vis
5440549E1UPQKLV Stand Alone application crashes when inserting VI as a subpanel that is also called statically
543884918MPRSSave for Previous - Lousy error message for S4P if VI belongs to a password protected library
541323IDFD9BQShould LVM files be dependant on decimal separator?
540154ILA1IVIModal Class Browser initializes to wrong class for strict VI references
538754IBAFKXXLabVIEW 8.5.1 RT Palette Crash - Load When Needed
537254HSCRIHLRedraw the function block merge VIs
536264HEC2D00Failure to load .NET assemblies produces unhelpful error message that makes debugging difficult.
536044HACQ408Update Help button links for dialog boxes from Express VI Development Toolkit
535944HFHDNO2Function palette search on new target VI crashes LV
535424H7CN59ACan create a non-locked down copy of an eval licensed VI via new from template mechanism
535244GRFEIXEDynamically calling a VI that calls a .NET assembly throws error 7
535094GK9P66QExpress utility VI does not handle Ring values correctly
534884GUGS2DKCreate Data Link not active if Getting Started Window is open
534814GL5DL15Fixed-size array information lost from indexed for loop when adding a primitive to signal path
534774GKBRNOQCall VI node is not migrated from LabVIEW 7.X to 8.5.x stack
534214G9A4D00TDMS Read causes memory leak when used with strings
534054G6DSRDXMathScript UDF with no input parameter fails
533864G51T2U1VI saved without diagram breaks when it contains .NET reference
533124FTBMM00Strict static VI reference and execution state issue
533044FEFIT5IReport Express VI functional test in Linux - Generated Report does not match with the original
533014FJ7BP00LabVIEW crashes if loading a MathScript implementation VI fails for any reason
532674FFB1100Intensity Graph data corruption
531844F6CLLN8VI ends up with odd name when reverting changes of a VI with a missing subVI
531304EM7J8WQLoading 8.2 Formula Express VI in 8.5 can give wrong result with integer-only inputs
531044EHCI57ZSearch aborted box keeps popping up
531034EH802WIError building Source Distribution when LabVIEW is installed in a different location
530944EBG02DTBroken VI error when building executable that uses target-relative shared variables
530724E3FECJ1When saving a copy of a VI and adding the duplicate to the original library, scope is not preserved
530404E0DODF2Erroneous Broken Wire with In Place Element Structure and Uninitialized Shift Register
530014DP8SGOFAdding a VI that Uses a .NET Assembly to a LabVIEW Project Breaks the VI in LabVIEW 8.5
529694DGEDC2NWe should only generate helpDB dictionaries for components that we know are localized
529034D4MGTGIInternal Error happens when showing the "Change Inheritance" page for AB_DLL.lvclass
528774CRBUMORMathScript function gensig does not generate signal with same cycle
528594CR9OHORMathScript impz add redundant zeroes for FIR filter
527904C2BAJFFLabVIEW completely fails to load an assembly if a dependant assembly isn't found.
527844BUEM5YTOpen Datasocket primitive crashes if subVI is invoked dynamically (using Call By Ref or LabVIEW class dynamic dispatching)
527074BT8BKU7NI Example Finder- LVOOP Examples (.lvproj examples) descriptions are not localized
526514BI9SC00Poly instances with different output terminals have strange drawing behavior
526494BJ81LN8Error for target relative shared variable is incorrect
526284BFG7RFNMVE isn't properly flushing posted DeferredActionEvents
526214BGE7OM8User inputted timestamp ranges in the LabVIEW property nodes is not saving
526084BFF38SFVI doesn't appear broken after .m file is deleted
525154B42I5IRead DAQmx properties & TDM user defined Properties from TDMS test fails
524154ASAQPU9Updating a global variable through the node will not update its view from the window
524034APET600Errors with LabVIEW Class constant of a class that is missing
523974APAO4LGSE 2.5: Help button is not linked with help in: Record Options->Start Condition -> Set Time and date
523834AHD4SX6Error 1017: Can not build EXE in project with single-process shared variables
522844AH953QOWe can't load .NET assemblies which reference missing unused assemblies
522154A7BBIRMProblems with variable-related VIs on MAC
520654A09C100User can abort Details Display Dialog (from Simple/General Error Handler) using ctrl + period
5204249TAM8OUMathScript specgram not supported
5186249GE2P00Built app (RTE) can't load a class with polyVIs included
5184448TF5Q54Single element relative paths need to display better in load warning dialog
5182848QKJV9AClosing a library only project sometimes gives save/defer decision when it should give save/don't save
51789496H2J00Frontmost property of VI incorrect when floating window is open.
5172248NAH8U1Numeric Control: Format String functionality shows odd behavior when attempting to increment (displays NaN)
5168648MC17P2SCCGetRequiredFiles does not return files inside of a library.
51492481EAMMQUpdate NTS et al. binaries/includes for the Linux build
51313478FEEM9Vista UI issue in "Rearrange Pages" dialog
51259478EAS5LMCL Adapt to Type -- Selection is Wrong
51190477CC55Minsanity in knob control
5096246LENBC3RC Linker Test failed
507414688TNRMEx_userDefPropDialog.vi is broken on MAC
50739467BNIMQTimed Loop crashes LabVIEW in Linux
5063945UFF3KYLoading thousands of variable in the project takes a long time
5039244BE1JKQAbout_App runtime menu appears differently in executable
503274436ATN3To More Specific Class to an XControl does not work in built applications.
5025643Q96C00LabVIEW generates empty INI files on Windows if no INI file currently exists
5020343C928FCExample VI Icon256.vi: overlapping text
5019643DGP8FCExample VI Add Files to Project.vi: text overlapping.
50191439F4DFCExample VI Open Tree Control.vi: text overlapping on FP.
50189439EIGFCExample VI Date Server Queue.vi: overlapping text on FP.
50182439BFJFCExample VI E-Mail notification: overlapping text on front panel.
5017643D8GSVQNI_3D Picture Control.lvlib:Find Object.vi should be able to handle not finding the specified object
4976940OD22FNStrange behavior on Ctrl+Double-click on Tree control, event structure
4975340M9C8N8private data control is "hung" if opened from VI hierarchy window after flattening a class to a variant
495833ZJF84YRPasting/typing a directory path into path control then immediately clicking browse takes you to different directory
494293YRBD700Dynamic class VIs don't appear in VI hierarchy
493553YLB3DDXInstance vis can be reported bad in mass compile log
487353V9ANMFNVariable Rename test: renaming variable not detected unless VI loaded into memory
487233VDFPPN8Error from Variable refers to "global variable"
481433PQF4B00NI ACL Configuration Dialog has no help file
478813O294AZUTagger logs redundant data points whenever an external Logos client connects to or disconnects from a Variable's source I/O Server data item
476183KRAE05GDropping an image display control as a strict typedef gives a DAssert
4701238RFJQXXLabVIEW does not refresh well when Express VI is reopened
4697838AHG6XXLabVIEW does not exit properly after using HSDIO Express VIs in process
462074IK86BGYSquare cannot accept integer input when Adapt to source is selected
459284ILAJ889.NET Event Not Registered Consistently
459254IKEMI68Waveform Chart Sweep Chart Displays Horizontal Line
459074IHBF000Unable to acess Property Pages for ActiveX control from LabVIEW 8.5.1 context menu
458224IBHBTQ2LabVIEW crashes when user invokes Add Targets and Devices
456554IBFAOAGCrash Creating Control from Match Regular Expression with Standard Classic Palette
455924IDBQP00Pressing on the Stop button does not stop the VI when running the VI in the TestStand LabVIEW User Interface
454794ICDRLGELabVIEW 8.5 Crashes When You Open a VI from LabVIEW 8.0 that includes an XY graph
454564IDAUQB7Global Variable Change Will not Break Top Level VI
453964I3FLMF2Save for Previous on the Attached VIs Crashes LabVIEW
453494I4B7LE1Library Access Scope failing to update when one library moved inside another.
452474I77OEK4Front panel controls stick sometimes when clicked
452194I3GS4K4Writing to Cursor.Plot property of Intensity Graph throws error
452174I3CQT00Merge dialog comes up runable in LabVIEW Full - Windows.
451934I3GN200MathScript Linker crash with mixed case for UDF Calls
451474I62I9POError -90001 when using Color attribute in MathScript Window
451294HTDPD54Multiple Executables In A Single Installer Do Not Deploy Correctly
451284HTDKC54Adding Multiple Executables to Installer Breaks Installer
450724HT7N0X2Changing dt in Waveform constant crashes LV
450164HSD22P2Selecting Tools>>Source Control>>Show Differences on a poly VI does not show interactive window.
449694HOBBKTYOpening a vi that adds two waveforms and was saved for previous version from 8.5 crashes LabVIEW
449614HU96900Coercion dots not shows when static ref of a differnt VIs are wired to a Call by ref node.
445964HHAH2OH3d entry allowed into spreadsheet string to array
445194HG8AA1WPrompt for VI says "Find the VI Template Named ..."
444984HDD7P2JMathScript issues with 'filter'
444974HDD73M2Shrinking Panel Bounds with SubPanel
444054HAEETUDLabVIEW compiler not optimizing for speed in 8.5 as it did in 8.2.1
442244HA8OA00Event structure value change event NewVal terminal value differs from control value for variant types
441244GJDKRVBLinux Dark Runtime Threading Differences From Regular Linux Runtime
441074GREN284Deleting data with interactive data retrieval always deletes last element
440574GK9S4XXSaving New Class Without Data Cluster Crashes LabVIEW, No Dialog
440294H1EPO00Opening many top level VIs causes crash
439474GLRO6QFeedback nodes don't move correctly.
439464GLHH6QTo align two feedback nodes lead to many DWarn
439344GSMUJP2Read BMP File hangs LabVIEW if reading the wrong file type
439304GKCDSUSRegister For Events Retains Unwanted Elements When its Terminals are Disconnected.
439094GPE4HTDRefNewton Raphson Inner Part numeric derivative.vi returns different results with Newton Raphson Inner Part.vi.
436584GBDC7OOInline subVI invoke node crashes
436404GAA2M2NAcquire Data.vi and Analyze & Present Data.vi in examplesgeneraluievents.llb need cosmetic changes
436204G9DOKKYLV Project incorrectly allows adding a DAQmx Project item to a Library
435464G6EDQUKDynamically setting properties on XControls doesn't work
434984GAC57ORLabVIEW ODE Solver VI returns unexpected result on multi-core system
434624GCFHHAEcRIO 9002 Ethernet overload causes Controller Crash
432214FPB4CTMAdding VI to Front Panel that contains a Splitter Bar causes crash
431714FSFD5C4Cluster data outside of visible portion of front panel do not print
431164FQ6JR1GDuplicate Case Crashes with Delete/Copy Panel Terminals from Diagram Disabled
429934FGD3T00Opening a class from disk which is already loaded says it's open from another path
429104FJGJR00The property dialog of a diagram constant pops the front panel
428994FEDIT0DBasic Hyperlink Project Item Test on Linux
427934FDHT5XEThe example RT Analysis Workspace.lvproj does not open up in Linux
427794FBBGT00NI-TDMS cdfs should contain different versions as the dlls change from release-to-release
427764F897L14LabVIEW 8.5 Crashes when Duplicating Event Structure
427524F7FCQ9XTip Strips Missing in Switch Executive 2.1.1
426584F4FLLWSIgnore Waveform Timestamp does not execute or remain checked
426104F4F1LRMGo To LabVIEW button should not be in File Dialog in Runtime Engine
425994F4ESQRMAbout LabVIEW menu item should be changed to About "Application" in Runtime Engine
425794F5GDALJLabVIEW 8.2.1 and 8.5 crash when updating multiple FP objects programmatically in cluster
425384F6C651WVI documentation printing doesn't include control descriptions of the control is a typedef
424834EPG6F5UUpdate RT App Builder tests
423134EOCBC5ILoad Deprecated Properties - No warning message displayed.
423084EUAFFNKUpgrading Tab Controls to LabVIEW 8.5 breaks Z-Order and makes controls disappear / reappear
422174EIDFGWBWrite to Text File function behaves inconsistently when dealing with path arrays that have been converted to string arrays
422124EH9INF3Close "Configure Method" window of XControl method will hang LabVIEW
421164EAFE6AHLarge custom control shared variable crashes LV
421114EBD3L00Change CHM reference for the Help button in the View I/O Items dialog box topic
420644EB9FCWXTest dragging of XControl Components in the project framework - LabVIEW crash
419334E77JBXPI64 Data Type Array Auto Conversion Crashs LabVIEW 8.5 on PowerPC (Mac and VxWorks)
419124E3I6HVBDigital Waveform Graph Does Not Support X Scale Formatting Options Except Floating Point
418714E2FL4XEAn error dialog pops up when "PICT" file format is selected.
418544E80I56YAB Installer Include hardware configuration with installer generated by app builder - Test instructions not clear
418254E2E4DXECannot find - "Plot Images- Save Load .vi" at the specified location.
417734DQE18RMLabVIEW Crash Capture mechanism doesn't work in Mac OS X 10.5
417414E03F700Datasocket method not threadsafe - results in LabVIEW crash
416714E1GD7J1The context help for GetLVClassInfo.vi is wrong
416194DIF6L5IRing and Enum Controls- Property Page Test - Changes in Label not reflecting
416094DPCT5SMPoser Node VI Server "Terminals[]" property gives me some bad terminals for wiring
416074DOEJLBACrash when comparing 3DPC_SurfacePlot reference
415784DOE4B9ZMVE should prevent user from editing certain properties under certain circumstances
415524DJEAC5IArray Node Auto-resizing and other feedback VI is broken
414744DG3LG4ILicensing Testing for Constellation doc needs to be updated
414684DHBEMN8compiler error using Search 1D Array with an array of variants
414184DHF6RLX'Diff' ing two VIs with radio buttons with different mechanical action does not report any differences.
413874DDEJC1RRemote Panel Licenses Lost When Repeatedly Refreshing RT Page
413734DHC6200Calls To DB Tools Execute Query With Non-Forward-Only Cursor Fails in 8.5, Error 3005
411964D3BLBXEThe file "loadprimetest.vi" does not execute successfully
411354CUCHF00Expand Digital Buses checkbox incorrectly appears on graphs
411274CU9UK5DSweep/Scope Chart does not update x-axis the first few sweeps
409364CJDJEZGWrite to XML File.vi does not specify name space in the LVData tag
409084CHF93TZCreating a programable property leads to xcontrol corruption
407334CEFHUV6Attempting to stop loading an LVClass while searching hits dwarns and crashes
406564C16URVIVisible Bounds property from "Diagram" class needs context help
406454C0ETLVIAdaptToEnteredData property from "Numeric Constant" class needs context help
406444C0EQSVIMakeSpace method from "AbstractDiagram" class needs context help
406124BUC8A7NAppend Control Image to Report appends a wrong image
404864BPC7200Please fix Queue Stack - LIFO.vi example program.
404754BNF54BQExamplesproject iserverAdd Files to Project.vi should not allow some string from being translated
404544BQF4D1IWhen you don't have MKL DLLs on your computer and you try to load a VI that calls them, LabVIEW crashes.
404134BM94LJ1Font on VI Properties>>Window Appearance>>Customize dialog is wrong
403934BJD32CSCan't create indicator of IMAQ image control reference
403884BGC5SP2App builder VI Properties auto test fails.
403494BKHM600Crash if FPGA target support open plugin uses "custom" I/O ctl for "resource name" input
403474BJ793N8Error 42 writing to a shared variable of fixed point type.
403244BIBKMXEVista UI - Search Instrument Driver 2nd window has hidden string.
402954BJASUP2Can't build a framework multiple times during a LabVIEW session.
400484B1CTVSNThere are two "RT Analysis Workspace.lvproj" examples in [Example Finder]
400304B12TB6SMixed Signal Graph: Digits of Precision only applies to 2nd Y Axis
399804AP75269Cannot deselect Run Executable after Installation from Installer Properties
398934AHAHR1RFormula nodes does invalid operation in prop types
398274ALEUK00FXP point parameters should not change when uncheck 'Adapt to source'
397284AEE43DEShortcut menu item on tab control, Goto Other Page, spelled incorrectly
3951148O91GEQAdding PNG images to LabVIEW Front Panel corrupts the VI
39238421AIPFCExample "Print LLB to HTML custom.vi" has out-of-date comment.
391803RTGNPBWAdding a tab in tab control typedef causes placement problems
382173YFFC900LLB Manager hangs until we click outside of LV
375943PL9QP00Link Help button in Select Application Instances dialog box to the Profiler help page.
373954688MCRMBroken VIs in distribution due to missing Storage.llb and lvStorage.llb on Mac
371854586SIKMEdit VI is very slow
3699849SBL1FCVista UI - Import Shared Library: sizing issue.
3696049ODBO71Replacing Waveform Graph with Mixed Signal Graph w/ cursors crashes.
3662440MBIBN8Errors and crash attempting to drop an xnode that contains a LabVIEW Class in its state
3566442H9C4EQUnable to Edit Items on a Text Ring with Quad, Unsigned Quad, or Fixed Prec. Representation
355263W96QK7CLabVIEW 8.0 - Image Display control causes
35180488FQSUKLabVIEW needs to support updating linker information for subVIs using properties of Xcontrols

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