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NI Circuit Design Suite 12.0 Pro Win32Eng/Ger/Jpn NI电路设计套件12.0专业版
Circuit Design Suite(CDS)电路设计套件
文件大小: 596408589 字节 (568.78 MB)
修改日期: 2014-07-29 22:40
MD5: 9377940c0dffdeccde6e039f9647e2ad(官方正确)
SHA1: a1f638b072221a61043943f9486006b367e9cf34
SHA256: 97fdb5b6906f535406929145f169cc9a0a12c4ba450f53863ad2879fba2578b5
CRC32: 1855f887
文件名: NI_Circuit_Design_Suite_12.0.exe
文件大小: 596511392 字节 (568.88 MB)
修改日期: 2012-02-13 23:51
MD5: bcfcedaaf348935211c5f9e5cd4d305f
SHA1: e04dabdb09838ff4c2258c84736b105224b4bb08
SHA256: 7f501e0177a8d4c87a482d1376d7fde7b197a6545e45d11e860d29295ef7f697
CRC32: 6e35e666
NI Circuit Design Suite 12.0 Pro Win32Eng/Ger/Jpn NI电路设计套件12.0专业版
(出处: 机器视觉论坛)
NI Circuit Design Suite 12.0 Readme for Windows
Supported Platforms
Installing Circuit Design Suite 12.0Installing Multiple Versions
Installing Circuit Design Suite Silently
Archiving Circuit Design Suite databases
Known IssuesLabVIEW
LabVIEW functionality (LabVIEW instruments and grapher interpolation) will not work if the installation path uses characters that are not native to the "Language for non-Unicode programs" setting, available by selecting Start»Control Panel»Regional and Language Options and selecting the Advanced tab. In the Vista OS, use the "Current language for non-Unicode programs:" setting in the Administrative tab. LabVIEW functionality works for Unicode characters that are native to this setting.
Windows Vista
You cannot install Circuit Design Suite 12.0 on Windows Vista Starter edition.
Circuit Design Suite
Multisim and Ultiboard leak GDI resource handles when used over extended periods of time, eventually leading to unpredictable user interface behavior and crashes. This is an issue with MFC applications running on Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003. For more information and workarounds, refer to KB 4JREGSXL:Multisim or Ultiboard Leaking GDI Resource Handles.
The Multisim Buzzer component will not generate any sound in Windows Vista-64 bit and on Windows XP-64 bit. This is due to Microsoft not supporting use of the Beep function in those versions of Windows. The Beep function is used by this component to generate sound.
The upgrade to the PICC 9.82 (pro) compiler in Circuit Design Suite 12.0 may break existing code in MCU files since macros used by the compiler have changed. For example, WDTEN has been replaced with WDT_ON, and OPTION has been replaced by OPTION_REG.
Release Notes
The "snippet" feature includes code from libpng 1.4.3, licensed by a third party or parties pursuant to the libpng license. For more information, refer to Notifications.pdf at ... National InstrumentsCircuit Design Suite 12.0Licenses.
Bug Fixes
Multisim ( 57 ) | |
Bug ID | Description |
260822 | 3D parts (using bitmaps of real components) do not show "placed" status on schematic workspace. |
262628 | Switching from show net names to hide netnames resets the positioning of net names. |
268734 | TRIAC Models do not simulate as expected. |
269201 | PZT2907A and PZT2907A should be PNP components. |
269965 | Digital state machine component does not work as expected. |
270357 | Multisim crashes when trying to change values of lumped elements in Match Net. Designer. |
270574 | BAT15_099R is incorrect. |
271671 | .IC and .NODESET commands malfunction if used within .subckt. |
273803 | Incorrect errors are generated when expressions reference nodes that start with the $ symbol. |
274388 | User database template should be better named to avoid customer confusion. |
274472 | Clicking the mouse wheel should pan the document in Multisim. |
274856 | Preferred net names show up incorrectly when merging nets. |
274869 | Unable to hide the SC symbol name for a bus connector via sheet properties. |
274910 | Ron/Roff values for Interactive switches have poor defaults and are not configurable. |
275132 | Refdes is duplicated when copying and pasting a component in some cases. |
275264 | Oscilloscope when in XY or YX or A/B or B/A mode should have facilities to clear screen. |
275400 | Back annotating a design with nets on bus lines does not behave correctly in some cases. |
275448 | Pins not added to heirarchical blocks or subcircuits when back annotating. |
275474 | In 120 DPI Display Mode Graph Background Color List Is Not Working in Windows XP. |
275491 | Shorting Bus Lines causes crash in some cases. |
275542 | CNTR_BCD_SDC component will always count down after first down count. |
275616 | Bus Vector Connect dialog not filled in when first opened. |
275661 | Multisim crashes when adding/removing component in some cases. |
275667 | Export to PRZ doesn't grab linked landpatterns. |
275691 | Potentiometer Not Displaying Increment Precision Digits. |
277103 | Behavioral sources were slow in Multisim version 11.x. |
283843 | BOM Report to Text is incorrect if the order of the columns is modified. |
285414 | PWL source with Unicode characters in the path fails to simulate. |
287439 | 1N5619GP diode uses the incorrect simulation model. |
289548 | JK flip flop in a PLD design does not work as expected. |
291144 | Duplicate pages show up in a multi-page design when you add it to a project. |
291724 | Multisim Crashed when non convergent analyses are swept in some cases. |
305192 | Buses can only be used in net name mode in some cases. |
306480 | Cutting, changing part settings and then pasting section of component will get settings out-of-sync in some cases. |
306485 | Naming and modifying nets across different instances of a subcircuit can cause Multisim to crash. |
307199 | Using the digital state machine with a very long file name will cause a crash. |
307472 | Undo does not undo the bus color change. |
309264 | Sensitivty analysis causes Internal simulation error in mixed-mode circuits. |
310389 | Switch toggling behaves erratically when in subcircuits in some cases. |
310422 | A Hierarchical block connector on a multi-page design is not renamed correctly in some cases. |
310826 | Cancelling the placement of a HB from file will affect the netlist for the opened design. |
311328 | Multisim crashes when copying a HB that contains a missing HB. |
311799 | LMV393MM and LMC6772AIMM have bad symbol pin names. |
313502 | Certain parameter and expression heavy models crash Multisim. |
314137 | Watt Meter doesn't operate with DC Source. |
314142 | Gerber Drill and NC Drill holes are not exported correctly. |
315101 | LT1882 model is not correct. |
315461 | AD8694* components have incorrect footprint pin mappings. |
315698 | Changing RefDes in a large design takes a very long time. |
315869 | Editing Sub-circuit Symbol Breaks Bus Connection Into The Symbol. |
317233 | Multisim crashes when connecting two wire to a pin using junctions. |
317646 | Models with different data but same model ID wil be used incorrectly in a multi-sheet design. |
317906 | The gain of the "Current probe" should be displayed on the schematic. |
318588 | Opening a Multisim file in windows explorer fails to open file if Multisim is already running. |
321176 | Graph axis range minimum and maximum values are swapped without warning in some cases. |
323164 | Several components in TIL family have incorrect logic technology setting, leading to simulation errors. |
325816 | Multisection RNxxxx components should have their emitters marked as common. |
Ultiboard ( 48 ) | |
263374 | Importing an Orcad max file will make the component refdes a part of the footprint's name. |
263473 | Clearance for elliptical arc drawn improperly. |
265586 | Valid DRC errors are missing from Ultiboard v 10.x. |
267766 | Board outline is not closed when a DXF file is merged to the outline layer in some cases. |
269497 | Unable to export a real circle to DXF. |
270271 | Copying and pasting a pad into the 'Custom Pad shape edit mode' does not allow you to save the shape. |
270367 | Elliptical Arc clearance isn't displayed until arc is completed. |
270512 | Copper area outside the board outline is not removed. |
270534 | Coordinates doesn't appear after exiting from the 3D viewer. |
271327 | "Convert Closed Objects To Filled" Is Not Working in some cases. |
271508 | Change shape command can cause DRC errors and broken boards. |
273334 | Density bars should take into account all pads. |
273482 | Keep in/keep out polygons should have polygon list accessible to user. |
273495 | Ultiboard incorrectly fills in power plane for odd board outline. |
273531 | The 3D view of a design is invalid in some cases. |
273773 | Drawing a polygon when polygon drawing is turned off should give some warning message. |
273938 | SOT23_3 produces DRC error upon placement. |
273966 | Forward annotation does not delete nets that aren't connected to a component prior to annotation. |
274310 | Vertices can be added/removed/changed for a locked polygon. |
274311 | Vertices can be added/removed from a locked polygon. |
274312 | A locked rectangle does not show the locked orange border. |
274401 | Copper area does not void board outline holes in some cases. |
274603 | Height information does not update in 3D view after placement from database. |
274609 | Moving land patterns from one database to another doesn't actually delete the data from the source database. |
274790 | Tool tip does not hide itself when Ctrl is released. |
275064 | Rectangle hole in pad resets its size when the part is rotated. |
275508 | Using High Contrast Black Wndows Theme settings makes some dialogs unreadable. |
275540 | Automatic Test Points are placed incorrect when keep-in areas are present in a design in some cases. |
275558 | Pin number information is missing from multi-section components if the components are not in the database when the file is loaded. |
275603 | DRC error not generated when copper polygon is not directly conntected to pins. |
275671 | Traces created with the Bezier and Arc tools are connected to a Copper Area. |
275971 | Description in status bar does not clear if menu is selected using keyboard. |
277621 | Removing Islands "Not Connected To Outer Edge" Is Deleting Islands Connected To Pads. |
287628 | The netbridge trace shorts with copper area in some cases. |
291652 | Passwords do not protect user/coorporate databases in Ultiboard. |
299398 | Undoing an action that added layers does not remove the layers. |
301819 | 3d preview colours are incorrectly transferred between unrelated objects. |
302143 | Changing any values of the Attribute Properties during In-Place Edit breaks the properties dialog. |
303316 | Ultiboard netlist doesn't match with the schematic after forward annotation in some cases. |
305667 | Can't pan in Y direction when viewing 3D from directly overhead. |
305704 | Manually Assigned Via Disappears and produces DRC Errors. |
308758 | Switching trace layers causes Ultiboard to crash in some cases. |
312095 | Transfer to Ultiboard of Large Design causes Ultiboard to become unresponsive. |
313380 | Vertices of a placed circle can only be moved horizontally. |
317483 | DXF import ignores custom scaling factor. |
321207 | Locking a rectangle doesn't show the lock border. |
323403 | TO-3(K08A) Footprint Pins Are In Incorrect Positions. |
326339 | Board Outline Problem dialog allows entering negative numbers. |
Multisim ( 3 ) | |
Bug ID | Description |
334101 | Loading LabVIEW 2011 instruments crashes Multisim 12.0. |
333932 | Multisim COM interface unable to open Multisim 12 files. |
336490 | Multisim crashes on disconnect after creating a BOM when using the Multisim COM interface. |
Ultiboard (2) | |
335190 | Exporting Parts centroids for designs containing test points crashes Ultiboard. |
337602 | Ultiboard crashes when viewing certain files. |
New Components
Notice Regarding Microsoft Silverlight Installation and RedistributionInstalling Microsoft Silverlight
Using Microsoft Silverlight
Redistribution of Microsoft Silverlight