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MVTEC Halcon Progress Steady Full Version Linux for Arm armv7a-linux HALCON24.11.1.1进阶稳定完整版 32位armv7a-linux版

时间:2025-03-21   访问量:1004

MVTEC Halcon Progress Steady Full Version Linux for Arm armv7a-linux HALCON24.11.1.1进阶稳定完整版 32位armv7a-linux版

HALCON Full Version (armv7a-linux):
文件名: halcon-
文件大小: 5407839466 字节 (5.04 GB)
修改日期: 2024-12-10 16:03
MD5: cbcb95d76a5195c5ae4906cbddc76bf2
SHA1: ef9658152841432c74e5a0164b537419555a5755
SHA256: 8f60b0a15d0f50e04ba06ae4332b5d246d65c4a0240346a886a35373f9e7458c
CRC32: 883f9faf



MVTEC Halcon Progress Steady Full Version Linux for Arm armv7a-linux HALCON24.11.1.1进阶稳定完整版 32位armv7a-linux版


(出处: 石鑫华视觉论坛)

HALCON 24.11 的主要功能

Release Notes for HALCON Progress-Steady

This document provides the release notes for MVTec HALCON Progress-Steady, as released in November2024.

Users of HALCON Steady are kindly advised to also take a look at the release notes of the previous Progress versions for information about all changes since HALCON 22.11 Steady: HALCON 23.05 Progress, HALCON 23.11 Progress, HALCON 24.05 Progress.


Major New Features of HALCON Progress-SteadyOut of Distribution Detection (OOD) for Classification

This new HALCON feature makes it easy to recognize unexpected behavior caused by incorrect classifications in production. Thus, users can take appropriate measures, such as stopping the machine, in a targeted and efficient manner. When using a deep learning classifier, unknown objects are assigned to one of the classes that the system has learned. This can lead to problems if, for example, the defects or objects themselves are of a type that has never occurred before.
The new deep learning feature “Out of Distribution Detection (OOD)” indicates when an object is classified that was not included in the training data. For example, this could be an object made of metal if the system was only trained on glass bottles. In such cases, OOD provides an “OOD score”, which indicates the degree of deviation from the trained classes.

The OOD score can also be useful when expanding deep learning models with new training images by indicating which of the new images will have the greatest value for the new model. For example, a high OOD score for a new training image indicates a greater deviation from the images already seen by the network – this means a higher information content and, therefore, greater value for the training.

Preview of the new IDE HDevelopEVO

HALCON 24.11 has a special highlight for all users of HALCON's own integrated development environment (IDE) HDevelop: a preview of the new IDE HDevelopEVO.
This is characterized, among other things, by a more modern, intuitive user interface and an improved editor (i.e., the central programming element). The latter enables faster and more efficient programming and prototyping of machine vision applications.
Users can already extensively test the new development environment in HALCON 24.11. The range of functions of HDevelopEVO will be continuously expanded in the coming releases and it will over time become the standard HALCON development environment.

Improved Shape-based Matching

The new HALCON version makes the “Shape-based Matching” feature, used in many applications, more user-friendly. This technology is used to find objects fast, accurately, and precisely. HALCON 24.11 includes the new patent pending “Extended Parameter Estimation” for this purpose. This allows parameters to be estimated with greater granularity, which significantly increases robustness in some applications. “Extended Parameter Estimation” enables this estimation also for users without in-depth machine vision expertise.

Optimized QR Code Reader

The performance of HALCON's QR Code Reader has been significantly increased. This is particularly evident under difficult conditions, for example, when many codes need to be found in the image area or many textures in the image complicate the detection. The recognition rate has been increased and the evaluation time has been significantly reduced in demanding scenarios.

Deep 3D Matching

With this feature, HALCON 24.11 contains a deep-learning-based market innovation for the 3D vision sector, especially for bin-picking and pick-and-place applications. This feature is particularly robust in determining the exact position and rotation of a trained object and is characterized by very low parameterization effort and fast execution time. Depending on the accuracy requirements, one or more cost-efficient standard 2D cameras can be used to determine the position.
Training is performed exclusively on synthetic data generated from a CAD model. Further training data is therefore not required.

Customers can already run this feature in HALCON 24.11 – to train the model and evaluate applications, they can contact MVTec at any time. Training and evaluation within HALCON will follow in the next release.

Further Highlights of HALCON Progress-SteadyHALCON’s GigE Vision Interface Supports RoCEv2

With this release, HALCON's GigE Vision interface supports the RoCEv2 network protocol, which enables increased performance in image transmission.

Improved HALCON Progress Edition

HALCON Progress is now fully compatible with the HALCON Steady edition. Progress users can now collaborate with Steady users on the same projects. Additionally, HALCON Progress users will receive the same maintenance updates as HALCON Steady users. In the future, switching from Steady to Progress will simply require exchanging the license file.


All HALCON 24.05 Progress licenses or licenses of earlier versions must be replaced or upgraded. Please contact your local distributor. HALCON Progress-Steady licenses will be downwards compatible to HALCON 24.05 Progress.

HALCON Library

Compared to HALCON 24.05 Progress, many extensions have been introduced. Thus, the HALCON Progress-Steady libraries are not binary compatible with HALCON 24.05 Progress or earlier versions. However, HALCON Progress-Steady is mostly source-code compatible to HALCON 24.05 Progress except for the changes listed below:

HALCON Applications
Please re-compile all C, C++, or .NET programs developed with HALCON 24.05 Progress. The incompatibility with HALCON 24.05 Progress or earlier versions mainly concerns the binaries, with only few changes in the language interfaces. If you encounter problems during recompiling your programs, please check the detailed description of changes below.
Image Acquisition Interfaces

In general, HALCON Progress-Steady, HALCON 24.05 Progress, and HALCON 20.11 Steady image acquisition interfaces are library compatible.

HALCON Progress-Steady includes only a subset of available image acquisition interfaces. For more information, see the reference documentation of the Image Acquisition Interfaces. You can download additional interfaces from our web server.

Digital I/O Interfaces

In general, HALCON Progress-Steady, HALCON 24.05 Progress, and HALCON 20.11 Steady digital I/O interfaces are library compatible.

HALCON Progress-Steady includes only a subset of available digital I/O interfaces. For more information, see the reference documentation of the I/O Interfaces. You can download additional interfaces from our web server.

Extension Packages

Please re-generate your own extension packages developed with HALCON 24.05 Progress.

Legacy or No Longer Supported Functionality

The following functionality may be discontinued in a future major release:

See the reference manual entries of legacy operators for details on how to replace them.

Supported Operating SystemsWindows

HALCON Progress-Steady has been compiled for the x64-win64 platform version for Windows 10 (x64 editions), 11, Windows Server 2016, 2019, 2022 on Intel 64 or AMD 64 with SSE2 (AVX2 dispatch) processors.


HALCON Progress-Steady has been compiled for the following Linux platform versions:

Please refer to the Installation Guide for detailed system requirements corresponding to the different Application Binary Interfaces.

Detailed Description of Changes in HALCON Progress-Steady

The changes in HALCON Progress-Steady are described with respect to HALCON 24.05.

HDevelopNew FunctionalityGUI

Bug FixesGUI



HDevelop Example ProgramsNew HDevelop Example Programs

New Functionality

Bug Fixes

HDevEngineBug Fixes

HALCON LibrarySpeedup

New Functionality3D

Bar Code

Data Code

Deep Learning









Bug Fixes3D

Bar Code

Color Processing

Data Code

Deep Learning










ProceduresBug Fixes

HALCON Variable InspectFunctionality

Image Acquisition Interfaces

The latest information about new interface revisions and newly supported image acquisition devices can be found on MVTec's web server. Please refer to the release notes within the documentation of the individual image acquisition interfaces for information about improvements, bugfixes, or whether a new revision of the corresponding device driver is required.

Digital I/O Interfaces

The latest information about new interface revisions and newly supported digital I/O interfaces can be found on MVTec's web server. Please refer to the release notes within the documentation of the individual digital I/O interfaces for information about improvements, bugfixes, or whether a new revision of the corresponding device driver is required.

DocumentationProgrammer's Manuals

User Guides

Solution Guides

Reference Manual




Third-Party Libraries

Release Notes of Previous HALCON Versions

Follow this link to read about the changes of previous HALCON versions.

上一篇:MVTEC Halcon Progress Steady Full Version Linux x64-linux HALCON24.11.1.1进阶稳定完整版 64位Linux版

下一篇:MVTEC Halcon Progress Steady Full Version Linux for Arm aarch64-linux HALCON24.11.1.1进阶稳定完整版 64位aarch64-linux版


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