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宝视纳Basler-blaze pylon补充软件包 1.5.0 - Linux ARM 64位~pylon-supplementary-package-for-blaze-1.5.0.def07388_aarch64_setup.tar.gz

时间:2024-11-30   访问量:1089

宝视纳Basler-blaze pylon补充软件包 1.5.0 - Linux ARM 64位~pylon-supplementary-package-for-blaze-1.5.0.def07388_aarch64_setup.tar.gz

pylon Supplementary Package for ToF Camera / blaze 1.5.0
Compatible with: pylon 6.2.0, 6.3.0, 7.0.0, 7.2.1, 7.3.0, 7.4.0
在此处下载blaze pylon补充软件包,轻松设置和配置Basler blaze 3D相机。这个软件包包含blaze Viewer,以作为配置和可视化工具。
blaze pylon补充软件包需要安装pylon相机软件套装6.2.0或更高版本。

blaze pylon补充软件包 1.5.0 - Linux ARM 64位
文件名: pylon-supplementary-package-for-blaze-1.5.0.def07388_aarch64_setup.tar.gz
文件大小: 80479114 字节 (76.75 MB)
修改日期: 2024-03-12 22:15
MD5: ef883edf6c3ac666a7d2efb5c9538b36
SHA1: fe9e8b81ccc61d78f88ce67f6fcecf196c9ea57c
SHA256: ad068df938ecff8dabad391acfe49e3f5b80656304dcf5f70724ef7c6fc70335
CRC32: 1fe4edba


宝视纳Basler-blaze pylon补充软件包 1.5.0 - Linux ARM 64位~pylon-supplementary-package-for-blaze-1.5.0.def07388_aarch64_setup.tar.gz


(出处: 石鑫华视觉论坛)


pylon Supplementary Package for blaze

Version:           1.5.0
Release date:      2023-09-30
Preceding release: 1.3.1
Products affected: blaze-101 (order number 107796), revisions 03 or above
                   blaze-102 (order number 108711)


* Added support for new camera features introduced by blaze firmware version
* The GenTL producer for blaze cameras is compliant with the GenTL standard
  version 1.6.
* Added the MultiCam/DepthFusion C++ programming sample illustrating how to
  calibrate a system consisting of multiple Basler blaze cameras.
* Added the ColorAndDepth_SynchronousFreeRun Python programming sample
  illustrating how the PTP and the Synchronous Free Run features help you to
  capture data from a 2D and a blaze camera.
* The installation packages for Linux ARM include Python samples as
  the Harvester's Python module, which is used for accessing blaze cameras,
  recently became available for Linux ARM.
* Added C++ programming samples illustrating how to use the Aravis open source
  library for accessing blaze cameras.
* The GenTL producer for blaze cameras provides the additional 'newestOnly'
  and 'oldestFirstOverwrite' buffer handling modes.


* Increased performance of the ShowPointCloud Python programming sample.
* Fixed bugs and increased performance of the ColorAndDepthFusion Python
  programming sample.
* Fixed an issue causing the ROS node for blaze cameras to crash when receiving
  a kill signal.
* Fixed an issue preventing the blaze Viewer to run on CPUs without AVX support,
  like some Intel Celeron CPUs.
* Fixed an issue causing the blaze Viewer's File Save dialog to crash on some
  Ubuntu setups.
* Fixed an issue causing a connection loss when issuing a PtpDataSetLatch
* Fixed font size-related issues of the blaze Viewer on systems with high
  resolution displays.
* Fixed an issue causing the blaze Viewer to save corrupted 16-bit .tiff images.
* Fixed an issue preventing web browsers installed as snap packages from opening
  the blaze Programmer's Guide. This was the case for Mozilla Firefox on Ubuntu
  22.04, for example.


Windows, pylon versions below pylon 7.2.1:
- If the Extended IDs feature is enabled, acquiring images is not possible.
  Either disable extended IDs or select the socket driver as stream grabber
  type. How to configure the stream grabber type:
  blaze Viewer: Data Stream -> Extended Stream Control -> Type of Stream Grabber
  C++: camera.GetStreamGrabberParams().Type.SetValue(Type_SocketDriver);
  C#:  camera.Parameters[PLStream.Type].SetValue(PLStream.Type.SocketDriver);
- Basler generally recommends using pylon 7.3 or above with blaze cameras.

- Programming samples using the Point Cloud Library (PCL) may crash depending
  on the versions of the PCL and VTK libraries installed on your system. The
  crash is due to a bug in the VTK libraries that are used by PCL for 3D 
  Source: https://github.com/PointCloudLibrary/pcl/issues/5237
  For example, Ubuntu 22.04 ships versions of the libraries showing the problem.
  Solution: PCL 1.13.1 contains fixes to work around the VTK bug. Uninstall the 
  PCL libraries provided by your Linux distribution and build PCL version 1.13.1
  or newer from sources (these are available on

上一篇:宝视纳Basler-blaze pylon补充软件包 1.5.0 - Linux x86_64~pylon-supplementary-package-for-blaze-1.5.0.def07388_x86_64_setup.tar.gz

下一篇:宝视纳Basler-blaze pylon补充软件包1.6.0 - Windows版~pylon_Supplementary_Package_for_blaze_1.6.0.exe


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