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宝视纳Basler-Basler blaze固件4.6.2~blaze-firmware-4.6.2.zip

时间:2024-11-30   访问量:1092

宝视纳Basler-Basler blaze固件4.6.2~blaze-firmware-4.6.2.zip

Basler blaze Firmware 4.6.2
Basler blaze ToF相机的固件版本中包括blaze固件更新包、固件更新工具指南以及安装说明。 

文件名: blaze-firmware-4.6.2.zip
文件大小: 129653958 字节 (123.65 MB)
修改日期: 2023-04-04 21:00
MD5: 82ce1a0538e4c4268390db845fc51444
SHA1: bda79756ef7ea50e5b9ce84565956aee2066579c
SHA256: 3aad05e60d4ed05d2e126ada47b4e3206e2374324e26aaa4f32344fdb16f5b2d
CRC32: 3e5d5bc2


宝视纳Basler-Basler blaze固件4.6.2~blaze-firmware-4.6.2.zip


(出处: 石鑫华视觉论坛)


Basler blaze Firmware

Note: Firmware versions not listed in this document are not released publicly.
      They are created for internal purposes only and don’t contain any changes
      that would affect the behavior of the camera. On occasion, cameras with 
      such a firmware version may be shipped to customers. Updating cameras to a
      higher version than the latest publicly available firmware is not required
      since such an update would not change camera functionality or add new

Version:           4.6.2
Release date:      2022-10-24
Preceding release: 4.3.1
Products affected: blaze-101 (order number 107796), hardware revisions 09..16 
                   blaze-102 (order number 108711), hardware revisions 01..03


* Added the Extrinsic Transformation feature that allows you to transform the 
  position and orientation of the camera coordinate system. 
  See https://docs.baslerweb.com/extrinsic-transformation for more details.
* Improved the Outlier Removal feature by adding the OutlierRemovalTolerance
  See https://docs.baslerweb.com/outlier-removal for more details. 
* Added support for Basler pylon's firewall traversal functionality.
* Provided more options for controlling the device network bandwidth 
  consumption. The following camera parameters have been added:
    - DeviceLinkThroughputLimitMode
    - DeviceLinkThroughputLimit
    - BslResultingAcquisitionFrameRate
    - BslDeviceLinkCurrentThroughput
    - GevSCBWR (Bandwidth Reserve)
    - GevSCBWRA (Bandwidth Reserve Accumulation)
* Added support for Extended IDs as defined by the GigE Vision Streaming 
  Protocol. Requires pylon 7.2 or above. If Extended IDs are enabled, the 
  frame counter reported by pylon's grab result objects doesn't wrap around
  from 65535 to 1 anymore. Packet resend error handling is more efficient when 
  Extended IDs are enabled.
  To enable Extended IDs, set the GevGVSPExtendedIDMode parameter to "On".


* Optimized depth calculation leads to reduced latency (timespan from trigger
  to data received by host). The typical latency is less than 85 ms. This can be
  reduced further by enabling the Fast Mode feature and/or disabling time-hungry
  camera features like the temporal filter.
* Improved GigE Vision standard compatibility. The latest GigE Vision standard 
  version 2.2 is supported.
* Improved error handling when invalid camera parameters are set.
* 100 MBit connections are detected, and the frame rate is automatically 
  limited when a 100 MBit link instead of a 1 GBit connection is established.
* Reduced number and length of streaming data network packet bursts to 
  decrease the likelihood of network packets getting dropped by the receiving 
* Reduced bandwidth consumption when intensity images and confidence
  images are disabled.
* Fixed bug: When the network connection was lost, camera settings were 
* Fixed bug: Toggling the PtpEnable parameter caused grab failures.
* Fixed bug: Fast toggling of the HDRMode parameter could cause the firmware to 
* Fixed bug: Cancelling image acquisition in synchronous free run was not possible
  if the synchronous free run start time was set to a time in the future.
* Improved third-party software support. 
* Further bug fixes and stability improvements.


*WARNING:* Because of bugs in pylon 7.1 and pylon 7.2, avoid using the blaze
camera with pylon 7.1. or pylon 7.2. Using pylon 7.0 or below is recommended.
When using pylon 7.1, image acquisition may stop unexpectedly. When using
pylon 7.2, image acquisition may be unstable.

*WARNING:* Once updated, the firmware can't be downgraded to a firmware 
version below 4.2.

*WARNING:* To update the camera's firmware to firmware version 4.0 or above,
the camera's current firmware version has to be at least 2.3.0.
If the current firmware version is below 2.3.0, you first have to update 
the camera to firmware version 3.0.1. Afterwards, you can perform an update 
with the latest camera firmware version. Contact Basler support to get an 
update package for firmware version 3.0.1.

*Note:* To use new features introduced by this firmware version, 
you have to update to pylon Supplementary Package for blaze 1.3.0
or above or to Basler blaze SDK 4.3 or above.

The latest Basler software for blaze cameras can be downloaded here:

*Note:* Applications built using the Basler blaze SDK 3.0.0 or above or the 
pylon Supplementary Package for blaze 1.0.0 or above can't access cameras with
firmware versions below 3.0.0. These cameras have to be updated to firmware 
3.0.0 or above when you migrate to the pylon Supplementary Package for blaze 
1.0.0 or above or to Basler blaze SDK 3.0.0 or above. 
Mixing 2.x cameras with 3.x cameras in the same application is not possible.
Firmware update packages and update instructions can be downloaded here: 

上一篇:宝视纳Basler-pylon 8.0.0相机软件套装Linux x86(64位)- Debian安装软件包~pylon-8.0.0-linux-x86_64_debs.tar.gz

下一篇:宝视纳Basler-Basler blaze固件5.0.0~blaze-firmware-5.0.0.zip


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