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NI RFmx CDMA2000 2.3 RTE Win32ENG运行版下载

时间:2022-03-28   访问量:1717

Windows系统下(Linux和MAC系统下请自行了解清楚)NI的各种软件、模块、工具包、驱动程序,使用NI许可证管理器来激活的,绝大部分的都可以使用NI Lincense Activator来激活,以下链接可下载:
NI序列号Serial Number生成激活工具NI License Activator,LabVIEW/VBAI/VDM/VAS等软件模块工具包破解工具不限版本


NI RFmx CDMA2000 2.3 RTE Win32ENG运行版下载

RFmx CDMA2000
RFmx CDMA2000为cdmaOne和CDMA2000 1xRTT蜂窝测试应用提供信号生成和分析功能。
RFmx CDMA2000是一款测量专用软件,旨在扩展NI RF仪器生成和分析CDMA2000蜂窝信号的能力。该软件可以通过误差矢量幅度(EVM)、码域误差(CDE)、相邻信道泄漏比(ACLR)、频谱发射屏蔽(SEM)等符合标准的物理层测量,对cdmaOne (IS-95)和CDMA2000 1xRTT (IS-2000)反向链路信号进行分析。借助RFmx,您可通过交互式软面板快速轻松地执行和调试测量,使用RFmx Waveform Creator创建和回放开放的未锁定波形,并结合更高性能的API加快自动化测试的速度。


Windows 10
Windows 8.1
Windows 7 (SP1) 64-bit
Windows 7 (SP1) 32-bit
Windows Server 2008 R2 (SP1) 64-bit


文件大小: 374030328 字节 (356.70 MB)
修改日期: 2017-05-11 19:40
MD5: ccb2db4100fc94375395b1438af4fe97
SHA1: ddbd1a66ec5deacd5f3cb0449eaf0c0da71844c0
SHA256: 6a4fbb67c58d598f11f7a5678ba2a79187aa03f6f1621aa7f861ea1a1c2622ac
CRC32: dbfb8af1


NI RFmx CDMA2000 2.3 RTE Win32ENG运行版下载



NI-RFmx CDMA2k 2.3 Readme

May 2017

This file contains important information about NI-RFmx CDMA2k and is organized into the following sections:

New Features
Installation Instructions
Supported Hardware
System Requirements
Installed Software, Documentation, and Examples
Accessing VIs and Functions
Finding Examples
NI Software Support for Microsoft Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003
Product Security and Critical Updates
Uninstalling/Modifying NI-RFmx CDMA2k
Behavior Changes
Known Issues
Bug Fixes
Increasing Available Memory For Your Application
Automating the Installation of NI Products
Using NI Software with Microsoft Windows 10
Using NI Software with Microsoft Windows 8.1
Legal Information

New Features

NI-RFmx CDMA2k 2.3 includes the following new features:

NI-RFmx CDMA2k 2.2 includes the following new features:

NI-RFmx CDMA2k 2.1 f4 includes the following bug fixes and updates:

Installation Instructions

Caution  Before you install NI-RFmx CDMA2k 2.3, ensure that you have uninstalled all related NI-RFmx 1.0 products.

Caution   If you are using only RFmx LabVIEW Runtime products, NI recommends uninstalling all the RFmx Runtime products before installing a newer version of RFmx Runtime products.

NI-RFmx drivers require that all the installed drivers have the same version for proper functionality because the NI-RFmx drivers use shared components that need to use the same version across all drivers. If driver incompatibilities exist, they are reported through a dialog box after installation. You can also use the Version Compatibility Checker utility to manually check for version incompatibilities. Refer to the Installed Software, Documentation, and Examples section for more information about the installed location of the Version Compatibility Checker utility.

Supported HardwareVector Signal Analyzers

Device-specific information about these modules is included in the NI RF Vector Signal Analyzers Help.

Vector Signal Transceivers

Device-specific information about these modules is included in the NI RF Vector Signal Transceivers Help.

System RequirementsSupported Operating Systems

NI-RFmx CDMA2k 2.3 supports the following operating systems:

1 NI software installs VC2015 Runtime and .NET 4.6.2. Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 require Microsoft updates to support these items. Refer to Microsoft KB2919442 and KB2919355 for more information about how to install these updates.

2 NI software is signed with a SHA-256 certificate. Windows 7 SP1, Windows Embedded Standard 7 SP1, and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 require Microsoft updates to support SHA-256. Refer to Microsoft KB3033929 for more information about how to install this security update.

Note  NI-RFmx CDMA2k 2.3 and later does not support Windows Server non-R2 editions.

NI recommends that you have the most recent service pack for your operating system installed.

Minimum Requirements

*Depending on the amount of data acquired and/or processed, a larger amount of memory may be required.

**Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 is required for .NET support only.

Recommended System

*Depending on the amount of data acquired and/or processed, a larger amount of memory may be required.

**Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 is required for .NET support only.

Application Development Environments (ADEs)

Note  You should install ADEs, such as NI LabVIEW or Microsoft Visual Studio®, before installing NI-RFmx CDMA2k. To add support for ADEs installed after installing NI-RFmx CDMA2k, modify your NI-RFmx CDMA2k installation or launch the NI-RFmx CDMA2k installer again.

Note  NI-RFmx CDMA2k will not operate correctly without the service packs and patches previously mentioned.

Other Required Software

Installed Software, Documentation, and ExamplesInstalled Software

上一篇:NI RFmx CDMA2000 2.3 Win32/64ENG完整版下载

下一篇:NI RFmx CDMA2000 2.3 RTE Win64ENG运行版下载


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