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NI Vision Acquisition Software 2017.01 LabVIEW2016 Win32/64Eng 视觉采集软件VAS_2017_01下载

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Windows系统下(Linux和MAC系统下请自行了解清楚)NI的各种软件、模块、工具包、驱动程序,使用NI许可证管理器来激活的,绝大部分的都可以使用NI Lincense Activator来激活:NI序列号Serial Number生成激活工具NI License Activator,LabVIEW/VBAI/VDM/VAS等软件模块工具包破解工具不限版本http://pcmv.cn/thread-490-1-1.html


NI Vision Acquisition Software 2017.01 LabVIEW2016 Win32/64Eng 视觉采集软件VAS_2017_01下载

视觉采集软件属于驱动程序软件,用于采集、显示和保存各类相机的图像。NI视觉采集软件(VAS)使您能够采集、显示和保存各种行业标准相机(包括GigE Vision、USB3 Vision和Camera Link)和图像。您还可以使用此软件轻松地控制NI视觉硬件上的数字I/O。借用一套易于使用的函数和示例程序,您可以使用LabVIEW、LabVIEW NXG和C/C++快速创建应用程序。
Windows 10
Windows Server 2012 R2 64-bit
Windows 8.1
Windows 7 (SP1) 64-bit
Windows 7 (SP1) 32-bit
Windows Server 2008 R2 (SP1) 64-bit
Windows Embedded Standard 7 (SP1)

文件大小: 3139746045 字节 (2.92 GB)
修改日期: 2019-01-03 13:25
MD5: d3fb41556b1fdcce01d2781a5a768f42(官方正确)
SHA1: 2b2f768abc5c5ecb6741a7983d6d969b1f1a09df
SHA256: 605205e6e155bf7dddc1721510ac9a67265fc8ec1156a926b3c3762a00d8ce05
CRC32: 281f9fb1

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NI Vision Acquisition Software 2017.01 LabVIEW2016 Win32/64Eng 视觉采集软件VAS_2017_01下载


(出处: 机器视觉论坛)

NI Vision Acquisition Software Readme

January 2017
This file contains important information about National Instruments Vision Acquisition Software, including installation instructions, new features, fixed issues, and known issues.
System Requirements
NI Application Software Support
Product Security and Critical Updates
New Features
Updates and Improvements
Installation Instructions
Configuring NI-IMAQ
Configuring NI-IMAQdx
Automating the Installation of NI Products
Known Issues
Documentation and Examples
Using NI Software with Microsoft Windows 10
Using NI Software with Microsoft Windows 8.1
Legal Information


NI Vision Acquisition Software allows you to acquire, display, and save images; control digital I/O on National Instruments image acquisition devices; and configure your driver software and hardware. Refer to the NI Vision website at ni.com/vision for the latest information about NI Vision Acquisition Software.
NI Vision Acquisition Software includes the following drivers:
  • NI-IMAQ is driver software for the following device types:

    • NI 17xx smart cameras

    • analog cameras

    • parallel digital cameras

    • Camera Link cameras

  • NI-IMAQdx is driver software for the following device types:

    • NI 177x smart cameras

    • ISC-178x real-time smart cameras

    • GigE Vision-compliant cameras

    • USB3 Vision-compliant cameras

    • IIDC/DCAM-compliant IEEE 1394 cameras

    • DirectShow-compatible cameras

    • Basler and Axis IP cameras

  • NI-IMAQ I/O is driver software for controlling reconfigurable input/output (RIO) on image acquisition devices and real-time targets. The following hardware is supported by NI-IMAQ I/O:

    • NI CVS-1457RT

    • NI CVS-1458

    • NI CVS-1458RT

    • NI CVS-1459

    • NI CVS-1459RT

    • NI EVS-1463

    • NI EVS-1463RT

    • NI EVS-1464

    • NI EVS-1464RT

    • NI PCI-8254R

    • NI PCIe-8255R

    • NI PCIe-8237R

    • NI PCIe-1473R

    • NI PCIe-1473R-LX110

    • NI 1483 FlexRIO Adapter Module

  • Note: New versions of Vision Acquisition Software no longer support the following hardware:

    • NI 1762 and 1764 Smart Cameras

    • NI CVS-1454, 1455, and 1456 Compact Vision Systems

  • Note: The EVS-146x series of controllers are not supported in LabVIEW 2016 or later.

Additional Driver Software

Some hardware requires driver software in addition to Vision Acquisition Software drivers. Refer to the National Instruments website at ni.com/drivers for information about these drivers.
  • The NI PCIe-1473R and NI PCIe-1473R-LX110 require NI FlexRIO software to access the DRAM resources in a LabVIEW FPGA project.

  • The NI 1483 FlexRIO Adapter Module requires NI FlexRIO software.

System Requirements

The development computer must meet the following requirements to run NI Vision Acquisition Software:
Pentium 4 1 GHz or equivalent
512 MB RAM
1,024 × 768 resolution video adapter with a 16-bit display
Minimum Recommended
Free Hard Disk Space
NI Vision Acquisition Software
3.5 GB
1.5 GB
1.5 GB
2.5 GB
Operating System
  • Windows 10 (32- and 64-bit)

  • Windows 8.1 (32- and 64-bit)1

  • Windows 7 SP1 (32- and 64-bit)2

  • Windows Embedded Standard 7 SP12

  • Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit)1

  • Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (64-bit)2

Note  NI Vision Acquisition Software August 2016 dropped support for Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and installations of Windows 7 without any service packs. NI Vision Acquisition Software August 2016 and later will not install or run on an unsupported OS. You cannot deploy or distribute applications that use NI Vision Acquisition Software August 2016 or later to an unsupported OS. Additionally, after installing NI Vision Acquisition Software August 2016 or later, you cannot use any installers built on this computer with any version of LabVIEW, LabWindows™/CVI™, NI TestStand™, or Measurement Studio on an unsupported OS.
For more information about the changes to our OS support for 2016, refer to KB 79UC78LS, Why Does my LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, Measurement Studio, or TestStand Built Installer Fail on Windows XP/Vista and Server 2003?.
Note  Support for Windows 32-bit operating systems may require disabling physical address extension (PAE). To learn how this might affect your system and what actions you might need to take, visit ni.com/info and enter the Info Code PAESupport.
1 NI software installs VC2015 Runtime and .NET 4.6.1. Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 require Microsoft updates to support these items. Refer to Microsoft KB2919442 and KB2919355 for more information about how to install these updates.
2 NI software is signed with a SHA-256 certificate. Windows 7 SP1, Windows Embedded Standard 7 SP1, and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 require Microsoft updates to support SHA-256. Refer to Microsoft KB3033929 for more information about how to install this security update.

Product Security and Critical Updates

Visit ni.com/security to view and subscribe to receive security notifications about NI products. Visit ni.com/critical-updates for information about critical updates from NI.

NI Application Software Support

The following table lists the NI application software versions, including service packs, supported by the NI Vision Acquisition Software. The installer specifically allows side-by-side installations of NI Vision Acquisition Software for each of the supported versions of LabVIEW, enabling you to use the NI Vision Acquisition Software with multiple versions of LabVIEW. National Instruments recommends that you install LabVIEW, LabVIEW Real-Time, and any other supported development environment before installing NI Vision Acquisition Software.
NI Application SoftwareVersions Supported by NI Vision Acquisition Software
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
NI LabVIEW Real-Time Module
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
NI LabWindows™/CVI™
2010, 2012, 2013, 2015
NI Vision Development Module
7.1 or later
NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection
2.5 or later

NI Vision Acquisition Software .NET Support

NI Vision Acquisition Software February 2014 was the last version to release updated support for the .NET Framework 2.0, .NET Framework 3.5, and .NET language integration into Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2008. Visual Studio 2010 and later are not supported.
New versions of NI Vision Acquisition Software will not provide new .NET feature support or development. It is recommended that you begin new development in other supported development environments.

New Features

This release of NI Vision Acquisition Software includes the following new features.
NI-IMAQ 16.0
  • No new features in this release

NI-IMAQdx 16.2
  • Support for ISC-178x smart cameras running Linux Real-Time in LabVIEW 2015 and later

NI-IMAQ I/O 16.1
  • No new features in this release

Updates and Improvements

The following list describes issues in previous versions of NI Vision Acquisition Software that are fixed in this release. If you have a CAR ID, you can search this list to validate that the issue has been fixed. This is not an exhaustive list of issues fixed in the current version of NI Vision Acquisition Software.
IDFixed Issue
608370, 629758On NI CVS-1458RT Linux Real-Time targets, communication with the host may not by default get sent out through the primary/host Ethernet port if the host and other devices are all connected with link-local addressing (LLA).
617482, 629760On NI CVS-1458RT Linux Real-Time targets, Ethernet interfaces do not always enumerate with the expected name order upon boot.
626575, 629757On NI CVS-1458RT Linux Real-Time targets, devices connected with link-local addressing (LLA) can sometimes obtain duplicate IP addresses upon link negotiation.

Installation Instructions

Complete the following steps to install NI Vision Acquisition Software.
Note: You must have administrator access to install NI Vision Acquisition Software.
  • Insert the NI Vision Acquisition Software installation media.

  • If you do not have autorun enabled, double-click <National Instruments>NI-IMAQdxStagingNI USB3 Vision Legacy.

  • Click OK.

  • The single driver choice shown at this time is the legacy driver. Choose NI-IMAQdx USB3 Vision Device.

  • If more than one driver is listed as NI-IMAQdx USB3 Vision Device, choose NI-IMAQdx USB3 Vision Device Version:

  • Click Next.

  • Click Close.

Installing the High Performance GigE Vision Driver

If you have an Intel Pro/1000 Series gigabit Ethernet Network Interface Card (NIC), it is recommended that you install the High Performance GigE Vision Driver. This will ensure optimized performance and minimal configuration. To associate your hardware with the high performance driver, complete the following steps.
  • Install the NIC.

  • Right-click the NIC in the Device Manager, and select Update Driver.

  • Choose Browse my computer for driver software.

  • Browse to the driver location. The newest driver version is installed to <National Instruments>MAXHelp.

NI Vision Acquisition Software Documentation for LabVIEW

  • You can access the NI-IMAQ VI Reference Help, NI-IMAQdx VI Reference Help, and NI Vision-RIO VI Reference Help from the LabVIEW Help menu.

  • NI Example Finder—Illustrates common applications you can create with NI Vision Acquisition Software. In LabVIEW, select Help»Find Examples. Click the Help button in the NI Example Finder to display the NI Example Finder Help. Vision Acquisition Software examples for LabVIEW are installed to <LabVIEW> is the location LabVIEW is installed.

NI Vision Acquisition Software Documentation for LabWindows/CVI

  • NI-IMAQ Function Reference Help—Contains reference information about NI-IMAQ functions for LabWindows/CVI.

  • NI-IMAQdx Function Reference Help—Contains reference information about NI-IMAQdx functions for LabWindows/CVI.

  • Function panel help within LabWindows/CVI—Allows you to right-click within each function to access help for that function, control, function class, and function library. The NIIMAQdx.fp, and <National Instruments>CVIBin.

  • Example programs are installed to

    • versionsamples

NI Vision Acquisition Software for Eclipse and other Text-based Development Environments

  • Getting Started with C/C++ Development Tools for NI Linux Real-Time, Eclipse Edition with the NI Vision Development Module and NI-IMAQdx—Describes how to use the C/C++ Development Tools for NI Linux Real-Time, Eclipse Edition to develop an example C application using the NI Vision Development Module API and/or NI-IMAQdx, and deploy it on a Linux remote target. This tutorial outlines the basic steps required to build and deploy an example application. This document is installed to <Users>PublicPublic DocumentsNational Instruments.

Using NI Software with Microsoft Windows 10

Microsoft Windows 10 is the latest version of the Windows operating system and features significant changes compared to previous versions. Windows 10 introduces several new capabilities and also combines features from both Windows 7 and Windows 8. For more information about NI support for Windows 10, visit ni.com/windows10.

Using NI Software with Microsoft Windows 8.1

When you install NI software on Microsoft Windows 8.1, you will notice a few additional tiles in the Apps view, including shortcuts to NI application software products such as NI LabVIEW, Measurement & Automation Explorer (NI MAX), and NI Launcher. For more information about NI support for Windows 8.1, visit ni.com/windows8.

Legal Information

© 2017 National Instruments. All rights reserved.
Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval system, or translating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of National Instruments Corporation.
National Instruments respects the intellectual property of others, and we ask our users to do the same. NI software is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. Where NI software may be used to reproduce software or other materials belonging to others, you may use NI software only to reproduce materials that you may reproduce in accordance with the terms of any applicable license or other legal restriction.
End-User License Agreements and Third-Party Legal Notices
You can find end-user license agreements (EULAs) and third-party legal notices in the following locations after installation:
  • Notices are located in the <National Instruments> directories.

  • EULAs are located in the <National Instruments>_Legal Information.txt for information on including legal information in installers built with NI products.

U.S. Government Restricted Rights
If you are an agency, department, or other entity of the United States Government ("Government"), the use, duplication, reproduction, release, modification, disclosure or transfer of the technical data included in this manual is governed by the Restricted Rights provisions under Federal Acquisition Regulation 52.227-14 for civilian agencies and Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement Section 252.227-7014 and 252.227-7015 for military agencies.
IVI Foundation Copyright Notice
Content from the IVI specifications reproduced with permission from the IVI Foundation.
The IVI Foundation and its member companies make no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The IVI Foundation and its member companies shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
Refer to the NI Trademarks and Logo Guidelines at ni.com/trademarks for information on National Instruments trademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.
For patents covering the National Instruments products/technology, refer to the appropriate location: Help» Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or the National Instruments Patent Notice at ni.com/patents.
