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NI ELVISmx 4.3.1 Driver Win32Eng NI ELVISmx设备驱动软件4.3.1下载

时间:2022-05-20   访问量:1327

Windows系统下(Linux和MAC系统下请自行了解清楚)NI的各种软件、模块、工具包、驱动程序,使用NI许可证管理器来激活的,绝大部分的都可以使用NI Lincense Activator来激活:NI序列号Serial Number生成激活工具NI License Activator,LabVIEW/VBAI/VDM/VAS等软件模块工具包破解工具不限版本http://pcmv.cn/thread-490-1-1.html


NI ELVISmx 4.3.1 Driver Win32Eng NI ELVISmx设备驱动软件4.3.1下载

NI-ELVISmx为使用NI ELVIS II和NI ELVIS II +以及myDAQ学生数据采集设备的客户提供支持。
NI-ELVISmx是支持NI ELVIS II、NI ELVIS II +和myDAQ设备的驱动软件。NI-ELVISmx包括NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher、LabVIEW Express VI和编程NI ELVIS II/II+硬件的SignalExpress步骤。

文件大小: 1439410334 字节 (1.34 GB)
修改日期: 2019-06-25 03:08
MD5: dc363c28505e52b31f25f6c790191b72(官方正确)
SHA1: f5ebfa3e09b2ad30ed6128ed9badce25e224f0b3
SHA256: 4e793674731343f49685081499608d1cb3a5fa62c30a3f86778a21854eef9ff1
CRC32: 1ef93ec8


NI ELVISmx 4.3.1 Driver Win32Eng NI ELVISmx设备驱动软件4.3.1下载



NI ELVISmx 4.3.1 Readme

September 2011
This file contains important information about the NI ELVISmx software and is organized into the following sections:
Operating System Support

Software Requirements

What's New

Using the Instruments in Manual Mode


Known Issues

Notice Regarding Microsoft Silverlight Installation and Redistribution
The NI ELVISmx driver provides driver support for NI ELVIS II series hardware and NI myDAQ. Refer to ni.com/downloads for the latest information about the NI ELVISmx driver.
For more information on how to get started with NI ELVIS II series, visit ni.com/nielvis. Visit ni.com/mydaq for materials related to NI myDAQ.
Note:  NI ELVISmx driver software does not support Legacy NI ELVIS workstations. National Instruments recommends NI ELVIS II/II+ programmed with NI ELVISmx driver software for new applications. Refer to ni.com/downloads for the NI ELVIS Software driver for Legacy ELVIS workstations.

Operating System Support

The following operating systems are supported in NI ELVISmx 4.3.1:
* NI ELVISmx is not supported in LabVIEW (64 bit). To use LabVIEW with NI ELVISmx on a Windows 7/Vista (64 bit) operating system, you must have LabVIEW (32 bit) installed.
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Software Requirements

You must have NI-DAQmx 9.3.5 or later installed to use NI ELVISmx 4.3.1. NI ELVISmx 4.3.1 installs NI-DAQmx 9.3.5 by default. NI ELVISmx 4.3.1 is used with LabVIEW 8.6.1 or later. If you are using LabVIEW SignalExpress, you must use version 3.0 or later.
Note: Because several of the NI ELVISmx instruments run the device at maximum speed, NI ELVIS II Series and NI myDAQ devices must be used with Hi-Speed USB interfaces.
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What's New

NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher has added new features to extend the functionality of the NI ELVISmx user interface and functionality, including the following:

NI ELVISmx 4.3.1 includes support for LabVIEW 2011.
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Using the Instruments in Manual Mode (NI ELVIS II Series Only)

The Variable Power Supplies and Function Generator can be set to Manual mode or Software mode by using their associated Soft Front Panel Instruments, Express VIs, or SignalExpress Steps. In Manual mode, the knobs on the NI ELVIS II Series Workstation control the instrument outputs.
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The following list describes the documentation that installs with NI ELVISmx:
To download the latest NI ELVISmx documentation, refer to ni.com/manuals.
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Known Issues

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Notice Regarding Microsoft Silverlight Installation and RedistributionInstalling Microsoft Silverlight

Some NI components require Microsoft Silverlight. If you do not have Silverlight installed on your computer, but you do have Internet access, you can download the installer from Microsoft at http://www.microsoft.com/silverlight/. If you do not have Internet access, you can install Silverlight from this NI distribution media.

Using Microsoft Silverlight

You may not use any H.264/MPEG-4 AVC and/or VC-1 technology or codecs included in or with Microsoft Silverlight software which may be provided by NI as Third Party Software, including for the purpose of encoding or decoding video in compliance with, or making use of, the H.264/AVC visual standard or the VC-1 video standard.

Redistribution of Microsoft Silverlight

If you create and distribute software applications that contain NI components that also use Microsoft Silverlight, you may be authorized to include Silverlight in installers or on physical media as long as you comply with certain requirements. Refer to the notice.txt file in the <National Instruments>_Legal InformationMicrosoft Silverlight 4.0 directory or the NI standard End User License Agreement (EULA) located in the <National Instruments>CommonMDFEULADepotNIReleased directory for more information.
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Important Information

© 2003–2011 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.
Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval system, or translating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of National Instruments Corporation.
National Instruments respects the intellectual property of others, and we ask our users to do the same. NI software is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. Where NI software may be used to reproduce software or other materials belonging to others, you may use NI software only to reproduce materials that you may reproduce in accordance with the terms of any applicable license or other legal restriction.
For copyright notices, conditions, and disclaimers, including information regarding certain third-party components used in NI ELVISmx, refer to the Copyright topic of the NI ELVISmx Help.
LabVIEW, National Instruments, NI, ni.com, the National Instruments corporate logo, and the Eagle logo are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Refer to the Trademark Information at ni.com/trademarks for other National Instruments trademarks.
Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.

For patents covering the National Instruments products/technology, refer to the appropriate location: Help»Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or the National Instruments Patent Notice at ni.com/patents.

上一篇:NI ELVISmx 4.3 Driver Win32Eng NI ELVISmx设备驱动软件4.3下载

下一篇:NI ELVISmx 4.4 Driver Win32Eng NI ELVISmx设备驱动软件4.4下载


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