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LabWindows/CVI 9.0 Full Win32Eng LabWindows/CVI9.0完整版下载

时间:2022-05-18   访问量:3021

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LabWindows/CVI 9.0 Full Win32Eng LabWindows/CVI9.0完整版下载

LabWindows/CVI是一个ANSI C软件开发环境,提供一套用于开发测试和测量应用程序的完整编程工具。
LabWindows/CVI ANSI C集成编程环境可帮助您创建自定义工程应用程序。该环境可用于管理项目、编辑和调试源代码和构建用户界面,并提供一个简化的选项卡式工作区来测试代码输出和性能。LabWindow/CVI提供了高级调试、代码文档描述和系统部署所需的工具,可帮助您集成源代码控制、需求和数据管理系统。该软件还可具有内置仪器I/O库、内置仪器驱动程序或两个交互式测量辅助工具,帮助您更轻松、快速地采集GPIB、USB、串行、以太网、PXI、VXI和FPGA仪器的数据。LabWindows标志经Microsoft公司授权使用。Windows是Microsoft公司在美国和其他国家的注册商标。


文件大小: 293191200 字节 (279.61 MB)
修改日期: 2008-10-11 01:38
MD5: b17231e02edd1eea1e9de3dc0f45cea5
SHA1: c6957dfbf653a19fc5274dd089fe6db15031270f
SHA256: 2ce39a4213227c3696886590705e13c022c9ee2f811d66201d45dec88f925778
CRC32: 48ba9ee1


LabWindows/CVI 9.0 Full Win32Eng LabWindows/CVI9.0完整版下载



LabWindows/CVI for Windows Vista/XP/2000, Version 9.0Readme File

This file contains installation information, programming considerations, and changes that are too recent to be included in the LabWindows/CVI Help. Refer to the LabWindows/CVI Release Notes for more information about new features.


Minimum System Requirements
Installing LabWindows/CVI
Activating LabWindows/CVI
After Installation
Updating to LabWindows/CVI 9.0
Known Issues
Bug Fixes

Minimum System Requirements

To run LabWindows/CVI 9.0, you must have the following items:

Installing LabWindows/CVI

National Instruments recommends that you install the complete LabWindows/CVI program to take full advantage of all LabWindows/CVI 9.0 functionality. If you choose to install with options, select the options you want and follow the on-screen directions. If necessary, you can run the setup program again to install or remove additional files.

Before Installation

Running the Installation

Complete the following steps to install LabWindows/CVI 9.0:
Note  If you already have a different version of LabWindows/CVI installed on your computer, be sure to install version 9.0 in a different directory or uninstall the other version before installing LabWindows/CVI 9.0.

Activating LabWindows/CVI

Complete the following steps to activate LabWindows/CVI.
For more information about activation, refer to the LabWindows/CVI Release Notes.

After Installation

Updating to LabWindows/CVI 9.0

Known Issues

Bug Fixes

The following items are the IDs and titles of the bugs fixed between LabWindows/CVI 8.5.1 and LabWindows/CVI 9.0. For a list of bug fixes in previous releases, refer to ni.com.

User Interface

IDFixed IssueHas Run-Time Impact?
127846ClipboardGetBitmap can cause a general protection fault for images with color depths lower than 32-bitYes
125025User Interface Editor changes made with the Text Tool do might not persistNo
124788Out of range warning in the User Interface Editor when editing a numeric control with Range Checking set to CoerceNo
123692Splitters with Span Panel enabled do not draw correctly when scrolling the panelYes
121776A timer control event can be sent unexpectedly if the previous event was delayedYes
121405Some printing operations can block other threads from executingYes
121207Graph and strip chart legend cannot be made transparentYes
120414Strip chart scrolling is very slow when many points are plotted and y-axis autoscaling is disabledYes
120197Inc/dec arrows sometimes disappear when editing the numeric cell of a tableYes
119695Minimized window reports an incorrect value for the ATTR_WINDOW_ZOOM attributeYes
119315When editing table cells and Caps Lock is on, tabbing does not advance to the next cellYes
119314Double-clicking to autosize table row does not take into account multiple lines when table cell is in word wrap or character wrap modesYes
124400InsertPanelAsTabPage can cause a general protection faultYes
116671Inconsistent cut/copy/paste behavior in cells of tables with Auto Edit enabledYes
114873Unable to change the tab order of an ActiveX control in the User Interface EditorNo
113973Internal metafonts are visible in the font selection dialog boxNo
113568A general protection fault can occur when modal panels are created in a secondary threadYes
112287In Vista Aero,燾hild panels do not draw correctly after minimizing the parent panelYes
110020Rotated labels of strip chart axes can draw outside the control boundariesYes
107830When calling DirSelectPopup with Allow Cancel set to 0, the Done button does not respondYes
104340The highlighting of the active tab of a tab control overlaps images and tab label selection boxYes
104055Scale Contents On Resize option does not resize the center part of a lab-style gauge controlYes
102989With ATTR_MINIMIZE_OTHER_PANELS enabled, right-clicking the taskbar button of a minimized panel restores the panel unexpectedlyYes
99880A general protection fault can occur when simultaneously creating/destroying panels from one thread and showing/hiding them from a different thread.Yes
98435Incorrect event data sent to callback for graph cursor eventsYes
95092In some fonts, Chinese characters do not display properlyYes
93835Some changes made in the Quick Edit Window of the Edit Tree dialog box do not persistNo
59589Sample menu bar insertion causes items on UIR to move when the file is reopenedNo
59440DataSocket binding does not work in the User Interface Editor for controls within a tab pageNo
58808Scaling table controls with the Scale Contents On Resize option can introduce cumulative inaccuracies in the size of the textYes
58796PointPinnedToRect pins to 1-pixel outside the rectangle on the right and bottom edgesYes
58749CanvasSetClipRect is ignored while a canvas batch is activeYes
58584Interactive strip chart legend operations in the User Interface Editor persist after leaving operate modeNo
58568The initial position of the line thickness slide in an interactive graph legend is not set properlyYes
58508Plotting to a paused strip chart does not always update the gridlines correctlyYes
58499Cannot use the interactive爈egend to rename strip chart traces in the Quick Edit Window of the Edit Strip Chart dialog boxNo
58429Changing the color of a tab panel in the User Interface Editor does not change the color of the corresponding tabNo
57849Strip chart control does not redraw traces correctly after calling RecallPanelStateYes
56777Password custom control does not handle clipboard operations correctlyYes
55872Cannot use non-powers of 10 as the min and max of a graph axis in logarithmic modeYes
44569Sizing a table row or column interactively can introduce scaling errors if the panel has the Scale Contents On Resize option enabledYes
44530Tree controls with the Full Row Select attribute enabled have extra gaps surrounding each gridline, if the tree has more than one columnYes
44131Attempting to edit a table control cell containing the specified maximum number of characters causes the contents of the cell to disappear if Auto Edit is enabledYes
42949Tooltips of child panel controls can appear in the wrong location if the panel is scrolledYes
42619Canvas control contents appear on the panel when the canvas is not visible, if the canvas does not have Mark for Update enabledYes
42523Resizing panels can cause controls on the panel to flash repeatedlyYes
41845Strip chart updates inconsistently when it is dimmedYes
41762Rotated strip chart axis labels can overwrite axis names or draw outside the control boundariesYes
41422Plotting a large number of points at once to the strip chart causes the x-scale range to be incorrectly updatedYes
40882Horizontal scrolling of touchpads not supportedYes
36547Knob needles can snap directly from the max value to the min value or vice-versaYes
34909Message Dialogs with buttons do not respond to arrow keysYes

Development Environment

IDFixed IssueHas Run-Time Impact?
127879Removing a project from a workspace while a function tree is open can cause a general protection faultNo
124951Intermittent problems with license activation in LabWindows/CVI 8.5.1 FDSNo
124577Selecting Project from Template on the Welcome Page and not adding the project to the current workspace can cause a general protectionNo
121917Launching the Select Attribute Constant dialog box from a function panel can cause a general protection faultNo
120872Checking out a file from source code control, after having made changes to it, and discarding the changes, can cause a general protection faultNo
58038Cannot select a custom path for the Where to Copy DLL option in the Target Settings dialog box for DLLsNo
117394Changing the version of a .fp file from 8.5 and later to an earlier version might cause an internal errorNo
112735The error message displayed when using a read-only workspace cannot be movedNo
107394Sometimes, when exiting LabWindows/CVI with the workspace window maximized, the next time LabWindows/CVI starts up, an Attribute passed is not valid error is displayedNo
10459464-bit numeric controls do not load correctly from an FPX fileNo
104402Borland DLLs are not properly named in Loaded Modules windowNo
99478Accessing the <<Running>> menu when the focus is on the error window can cause a general protection faultNo
98681LabWindows/CVI includes temporary auto-backup files in multi-file searchesNo
96692Dotted line for a collapsed source code region is not removed when deleting the regionNo
96354Creating a new DAQ task from the Welcome Page can cause a general protection fault if the current project includes a .fp file that requires compilationNo
95889The Source window does not receive focus when a build error occurs and Classic View is enabledNo
60017Source window color customizations are lost when the system color depth changes while LabWindows/CVI is runningNo
59735Multi-file searches include non-project filesNo
58743Show Completions option is not available for struct members that are used as array indicesNo
58639When generating a function tree from a header file enums without labels are not processed correctlyNo
58638Long file names cause results to be clipped in the Find Results windowNo
58430Syntax coloring for parts of a comment can be incorrect燼fter new lines not created using the <Enter> keyNo
58407Some header files created from a template are put under the wrong folder in the project treeNo
57001Cannot generate function panels from header files containing unsigned char * parametersNo
44752Close button on tabbed workspace bar is not correctly positioned for very narrow windowsNo
42013Dragging a file that is excluded from the build from one project to another leaves the file excluded in the new projectNo
38382Line continuation character causes the Balance command to work incorrectlyNo


IDFixed IssueHas Run-Time Impact?
124569Pre-build build steps occur only if LabWindows/CVI compiles filesNo
123149Redeclaration error for StrToIntA when including toolbox.h and shlwapi.hNo
122509Type library generation errors and resource embedding errors are not reported as build errorsNo
115846cviauto.lib does not link in Microsoft Visual Studio 8No
108285Errors in release builds are not reported in a batch buildNo
98829typedefs based on 64-bit integers are not included in type libraries embedded in DLLsNo
96261Compilation conflict between the analysis library and the Word Report instrument driverNo
66600Valid structure pointers passed into a function can trigger a user protection error inside the functionYes
58998Compiling with an external compiler resets build dependencies in the debug configurationNo
58889LabWindows/CVI does not detect that a NaN value is unequal to itself (x != x)Yes
58540Unexpected wait cursor is displayed when compiling a single file with unsaved changes using an external compilerNo
58483Automatically inserted include statements are always added to the top of the source fileNo
57356The mscorlib2.c file compiled in Microsoft Visual Studio 6 does not load in LabWindows/CVINo
120676With the iso_9899_1999 pragma enabled, LabWindows/CVI does not allow variable declarations immediately following a case statementNo
117592With the iso_9899_1999 pragma enabled, LabWindows/CVI does not allow variable declarations of custom types in the middle of a blockNo
60413Documentation tags for source code are not skipped inside blocks excluded from compilation by the preprocessorNo


IDFixed IssueHas Run-Time Impact?
125405Selecting Original Type for the Interpret As command does not update the Variables or Watch windowsNo
125207LabWindows/CVI can crash when writing the contents of the Variables window to a file if large string buffers are presentNo
124741LabWindows/CVI can display the value of the wrong variable in a data tooltip, if a different variable at a different scope has the same nameNo
119223String Display window does not display control characters correctlyNo
120710Changing an enum variable in the Variables Window does not update the variable抯 value in the Watch Window, and vice-versaNo
120520Cannot edit characters in non-ASCII mode in String Display windowNo
64228ListInsertItems function in Programmer抯 Toolbox can incorrectly return a dynamic memory corruption errorYes
41714User protection of PlotStripChart function does not take into account the startingIndex and skipCount parametersYes
41700Loading or unloading instrument drivers is possible while execution is suspendedNo
41436Project switching is possible while execution is suspendedNo
58956Global debug break key does not break execution consistentlyNo


IDFixed IssueHas Run-Time Impact?
116827LabWindows/CVI applications can have a noticeable delay at startup if the ISA Firewall client is installedYes
115124Memory is lost when calling some Advanced Analysis Measurement functionsYes
114644Application stops responding when unregistering a DDE server with active connectionsYes
96027Source window editing is not as responsive when using LabWindows/CVI via Windows Remote DesktopNo
55487The performance of matrix by vector multiplication is inadequate in some casesNo
35750When debugging a multithreaded program, continuing execution after hitting a breakpoint can sometimes cause LabWindows/CVI to pause for a long timeNo

Stand-Alone Applications and Distributions

IDFixed IssueHas Run-Time Impact?
111051Distribution of an ActiveX server application includes unnecessary project files by defaultNo
110454Default LabWindows/CVI EXE icon does not include images with the appropriate resolution for displaying in larger sizesYes
106816Trailing space at end of distribution output path causes build failuresNo
38153It is not possible to specify pre/post-build steps for building a distributionNo
36322Distribution of an ActiveX server application does not include associated help fileNo

.NET and ActiveX

IDFixed IssueHas Run-Time Impact?
59856Invalid user protection error reported in .NET wrapper codeYes
58458Unknown Language COM error when calling LabWindows/CVI ActiveX Server from a .NET application if the system locale is not English.Yes
98641LabWindows/CVI application can stop responding if it is closed while it is accessed at the same time through ActiveX automationYes
125416Using ActiveX automation to build a project in release mode will result in a failed build if the File Version property of the project includes a + character.Yes


IDFixed IssueHas Run-Time Impact?
54563The Sort Function returns 0 when the input array contains one elementYes


IDFixed IssueHas Run-Time Impact?
128323Network variables created programmatically do not configure the single-writer restriction correctlyYes
126669The RegEnumerateValue function cannot retrieve empty values from the registryYes
122632DiscardAsyncTimer can return an error if timers are not discarded in the order in which they were createdYes
114623Some CVIXML functions do not return an error when invalid inputs are passed to themYes
114291Toolbox registry API lacks the ability to delete keys/valuesNo
104648Toolbox registry API lacks the ability to enumerate subkeysNo
104576The OPT_PROCESS_EVENTS_WHILE_WAITING flag for the CmtWaitForThreadPoolFunctionCompletion function does not process all eventsYes
98433Variable Manager does not handle the buffer size of programmatically configured network variables properlyNo
59197InstallWinMsgCallback is not thread safeYes
59181Wildcards used in the new name of the RenameFile and CopyFile functions are not always processed correctlyYes

© 1993–2008 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.
Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval system, or translating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of National Instruments Corporation.
CVI, National Instruments, NI, ni.com, and LabVIEW are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Refer to the Terms of Use section on ni.com/legal for more information about National Instruments trademarks.
The mark LabWindows is used under a license from Microsoft Corporation. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
For copyright notices, conditions, and disclaimers regarding certain components used in USI (Xerces C++, ICU, HDF5, Citadel 5, b64 library, and Stingray), refer to the USICopyrights.chm.
Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.
For patents covering the National Instruments products, refer to the appropriate location: Help»Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or ni.com/patents.

上一篇:LabWindows/CVI 8.5.1 Runtime Win32Eng LabWindows/CVI8.5.1运行版下载

下一篇:LabWindows/CVI 9.0 Runtime Win32Eng LabWindows/CVI9.0运行版下载


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