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NI-RIO 12.1旧版设备驱动Linux系统32位English完整版

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Windows系统下(Linux和MAC系统下请自行了解清楚)NI的各种软件、模块、工具包、驱动程序,使用NI许可证管理器来激活的,绝大部分的都可以使用NI Lincense Activator来激活,以下链接可下载:
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NI-RIO 12.1旧版设备驱动Linux系统32位English完整版

NI-RIO是一个设备驱动,用于支持可重配置I/O (RIO)硬件的识别、编程和部署。它为CompactRIO模块、多功能可重配置I/O设备、PXI多功能可重配置I/O模块和FlexRIO仪器提供了支持。

文件大小: 12169216 字节 (11.61 MB)
修改日期: 2013-03-14 00:15
MD5: 5693f9742203bf3dbead71624e15cf20(官方正确)
SHA1: e9721a7a8462709f021e31451c3022c857751447
SHA256: 724b0c948ed88a6f6534719ec0b878156ac66620f2352b1c51e785b02424a6e5
CRC32: 8542a3b8

NI-RIO 12.1旧版设备驱动Linux系统32位English完整版



NI-RIO for Linux, Version 12.1.0Copyright (c) 2013 National Instruments Corporation.All Rights Reserved.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------This file contains late-breaking news about NI-RIO and supersedes anyinformation found in other documentation included in the distribution. Refer toni.com/linux for the most recent information about Linux support from NationalInstruments.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Table of Contents------------------ NI-RIO for Linux- Differences from the Windows Driver- System Requirements- Installing NI-RIO for Linux- Using the NI-RIO Driver and FPGA Interface C API- Using the NI-RIO Server- Using RIO Aliases- Uninstalling NI-RIO for Linux- Running Linux on PXI Controllers- Licensing- FAQ----------------------NI-RIO for Linux----------------------NI-RIO for Linux contains the NI-RIO drivers, the FPGA Interface C API runtimelibrary, and all supporting runtime libraries and services necessary tointeract with a RIO device from a system running Linux.-----------------------------------Differences from the Windows Driver-----------------------------------The following NI-RIO driver features supported for Windows are not supportedfor Linux:* Development of LabVIEW FPGA VIs and bitfiles (*.lvbitx)* Development of LabVIEW FPGA Interface host VIsYou must compile a bitfile using LabVIEW FPGA on a Windows machine. Refer tothe "Using the NI-RIO Driver and FPGA Interface C API" section for moreinformation.-------------------System Requirements-------------------NI-RIO for Linux requires one of the following distributions:* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x i386* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x x86_64* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x i386* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x x86_64* Scientific Linux 5.x i386* Scientific Linux 5.x x86_64* Scientific Linux 6.x i386* Scientific Linux 6.x x86_64NI-RIO does not support x86 systems with memory or memory-mapped devicesbeyond the first 4 GB of physical address space. NI-RIO will fail to load if itdetects hardware beyond this address limit. This limitation does not apply tox86_64 systems. To ensure the successful operation of National Instruments RIOproducts on x86 systems, you must use a kernel configuration that recognizesonly up to 4 GB of physical memory. Refer to the documentation of your Linuxdistribution to determine how to configure the distribution installer to selectan appropriate kernel. Alternatively, you can dynamically restrict theaddressable range of the kernel to a specific limit by passing "mem=<size>"to the kernel at boot time. For example, to restrict the kernel to 3 GB ofaddressable physical space, specify "mem=3072M".For more information about Linux versions and distributions supported byNational Instruments, refer to ni.com/linux.In order to use NI-RIO on Linux, you need a Windows system to develop yourLabVIEW FPGA application. You must compile a bitfile, generate headers with theFPGA Interface C API Generator, and then move the application to your Linuxsystem. Refer to the "Using the NI-RIO Driver and FPGA Interface C API" sectionfor more information.---------------------------Installing NI-RIO for Linux---------------------------Before installing this version of NI-RIO, uninstall any previous versions. Forinformation about uninstalling an old version of NI-RIO, refer to the readmefor that version.To install NI-RIO for Linux, run the INSTALL script from this directory asroot. The INSTALL script ensures that all requirements are met beforeinstalling the NI-RIO software. The script then uses RPM to install the contentof the NI-RIO packages in /usr/local/natinst/. The script also creates links in/usr/local/lib/ to the libraries in /usr/local/natinst/.Missing dependencies will cause the installer to fail. The most commonlymissing dependencies are GCC and kernel headers. You can install thosedependencies by running the following as root:   yum install gcc kernel-devel-$(uname -r)After installing all missing dependencies, run the INSTALL script again.Once the INSTALL script completes successfully, reboot the system to ensurethat all the drivers are updated.After installation, the NI-RIO drivers are loaded by default at boot time ifthere is a RIO device in the system.------------------------------------------------Using the NI-RIO Driver and FPGA Interface C API------------------------------------------------You must begin development on a computer running Windows. Use LabVIEW FPGA todevelop and build an FPGA VI that runs on a RIO device. Use the FPGAInterface C API Generator to create the C source files for your application.Go to ni.com/info and enter the Info Code fpgainterfacecapi to get the latestversion of the FPGA Interface C API Generator. Then copy the generated filesto the Linux machine to begin development of C/C++ code for your application.For information about using the FPGA Interface C API, go to ni.com/info andenter the Info Code fpgainterfacecapihelp.To find the RIO device you are using in your application, use the command"lsni -v" to list information on all National Instruments devices in thesystem.If your application requires triggering, you can reserve triggers staticallywith the NI PXI Config utility or dynamically with NI-VISA. For informationabout using these configuring PXI systems in Linux, go to ni.com/info and enterthe Info Code linuxconfigpxi. For information about PXI triggering, go toni.com/info and enter the Info Code pxitrigger. This version of NI-RIO forLinux supports triggering only on x86 versions of Linux.-----------------------Using the NI-RIO Server-----------------------Complete the following steps to remotely access RIO devices on your Linuxsystem from another system with NI-RIO installed:1. Select a port for the NI-RIO server to use. The default port is 11296.2. Configure the system firewall to allow TCP connections through the selectedport.3. Edit the nirio.ini file at /usr/local/natinst/nirio/etc/ to specify both theselected port and the users allowed to access the device. The following examplespecifies the default port, 11296, and allows only users at the IP address10.0.29.54 to have access to the device:   [General]   RpcServerPort=11296   DeviceAccess="-*;+"4. Execute NiRioRpcServer at /usr/local/natinst/nirio/bin/.Note that the DeviceAccess variable is defined by a semicolon-delimited list ofqualifiers, IP addresses, DNS hostnames, and wildcard patterns. To determinewhether a remote system has access to RIO devices on this system, the RIOserver looks for an entry in the list that matches the remote system. The "+"qualifier allows access, and the "-" qualifier denies access. The RIO serveruses the last matching entry in the list to determine whether to allow or denyaccess. If no entry matches the remote system, the RIO server denies access.For example, if the list is empty, all remote systems are denied access. Thefirst argument in the example above explicitly restricts remote access from anyIP address. The second argument allows access from the IP address allow access from multiple IP addresses, define DeviceAccess as follows:   DeviceAccess="+;+"To allow access from any IP address on the network, define Device Access asfollows:   DeviceAccess="+*"-----------------Using RIO Aliases-----------------In order to create RIO aliases to local or remote RIO devices, one must editthe nirio.ini file at /usr/local/natinst/nirio/etc/. Add an [Aliases] sectionif one does not already exist. For each alias, there must be a separate line inthe [Aliases] section that follows the <alias>="<resource>" format. Thefollowing example specifies both a local and remote alias:   [Aliases]   foo="RIO0"   bar="rio://mycrio/RIO0"Note that aliases must contain only alphanumerics, '-', and '_'.-----------------------------Uninstalling NI-RIO for Linux-----------------------------To uninstall the driver and its dependencies, run the UNINSTALL script.--------------------------------Running Linux on PXI Controllers--------------------------------NI-RIO for Linux works with all PXI and PXI Express controllers and chassis.However, to use PXI Express features, you must install the PXI PlatformServices driver 2.6 (not included with this installer), use an x86 version ofLinux, and use a PXI Express controller and chassis.PXI Express features:* NI-P2P streaming* Slot and chassis identification* Trigger bus number identification (for trigger reservation)Supported PXI Express controllers:* PXIe-8101* PXIe-8108Supported PXI Express chassis:* Any PXI Express chassis except the PXIe-1073To install the PXI Platform Services driver, go to ni.com/info and enter theInfo Code linuxpxidriver. For installation and configuration notes specific toeach controller, go to ni.com/info and enter the Info Code linuxpxiembedded.---------Licensing---------The license agreement for National Instruments software is contained in theLICENSE.txt file in the root directory of the NI-RIO installer. You can findthird-party license agreements and legal notices in/usr/local/natinst/nirio/doc/thirdpartylicenses.txt.---FAQ---Q: I am not using one of the distributions listed as supported above. Will   NI-RIO still work?A: The distributions above have been tested and verfied by National   Instruments. Other distributions may work, but you should test extensively   before deploying a system using such a configuration. For information about   which Linux distributions National Instruments supports, go to ni.com/info   and enter the Info Code nilinuxdistro.Q: My application used to work, but I updated my kernel and now I'm getting   "libnipalu.so failed to initialize    Perhaps you need to run updateNIDrivers    Aborted"   Will it no longer work?A: The NI-RIO and supporting drivers must be built with the kernel headers   for the kernel that is in use. As root, run "updateNIDrivers" and restart   to fix the issue.Q: I am using a PXI controller and I have installed PXI Platform Services on my   x86 version of Linux, but when I run "lsni -v" I don't see any PXI-specific   information. What is wrong?A: You must reboot after installing PXI Platform Services to see PXI-specific   information.Q: Does NI-RIO support native x86_64 applications?A: As of NI-RIO 12.0.0, native x86_64 applications are supported.
