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NI DIAdem 2011 with DAC Module Download Win32Eng NI数据管理软件DIADEM2011含DAC模块基本高级专业版下载DIAdem11.3-DAC
DIAdem是一个统一的单一软件环境,可帮助您更高效地进行测量数据后期处理。 DIAdem针对大型数据集进行了优化,内含的工具可帮助您快速搜索所需的数据,查看和研究数据,使用特定工程分析函数转换数据,并使用强大的拖放式报告编辑器共享结果。 您可以在DIAdem中使用脚本来自动执行重复的数据后处理任务,并高效地将测量数据转换为有价值的信息。
NI DIAdem 2011 with DAC Module Download Win32Eng NI数据管理软件DIADEM2011含DAC模块基本高级专业版下载DIAdem11.3-DAC
DIAdem 2011 Release Notes
Version 11.3
July 2011
This file contains information on DIAdem 2011:
System Requirements
For correct DIAdem performance, the following minimum requirements must be met:
CPU | x86 compatible processor, 1.6 GHz or more |
Amount of memory | 1 GB or more |
Hard disk memory | Depending on the operating system, up to 2.2 GB free storage space, of which at least 1.3 GB on the system partition |
Graphics board | Color depth at least 16 bit (High Color), recommended 24 or 32 bit (True Color) |
Screen resolution | At least 1024x768 |
Operating Systems
Windows XP Pro 32 Bit Service Pack 3 or later
Windows Vista 32 Bit with Service Pack 2
Windows Vista 64 Bit with Service Pack 2 (as 32-bit application)
Windows 7 32 bit
Windows 7 64 Bit (as 32-bit application)
Windows Server 2003 R2 32 Bit
Windows Server 2008 R2 64 Bit (as 32-bit application)
Firewall | The firewall displays warnings while DIAdem installs and while DIAdem launches, for the following reasons: The usireg component executes during the installation of DataPlugins. The DataFinder, which you use for searching and navigating in files, then starts. When DIAdem launches, a DNS query determines whether to license locally or whether to use a license server.If you want to be able to use all the DIAdem functions, National Instruments recommends that you select "Do not block" for all programs listed. This also applies when you want to evaluate DIAdem. Refer to under the info code winxpsp2. |
Windows User Rights | DIAdem and its components are basically executable under the preconfigured Microsoft Windows user accounts from User onwards. DIAdem must be installed with complete administrator rights. If you operate various DIAdem versions on one computer, you only have the entire range of functions in each version if you have administrator rights. |
Notes on DIAdem 2011
DIAdem Version 9.0 and LabVIEW Version 7.1, and later versions, use a shared software component that is updated when you install DIAdem. When you uninstall DIAdem, the current version of the shared component remains. This is intentional and has been tested extensively.
For the DataFinder in DIAdem 2011, any index files from earlier DIAdem versions must be regenerated. This occurs automatically when you launch DIAdem. Depending on how many files are to be indexed, this may take quite some time.
We strongly recommend that you install DIAdem in the suggested folders on Windows Vista and on Windows 7, or that you specify the folder exclusively in the path selection dialog box in the setup program. In particular, changing the suggested program path manually in the installation program can cause problems in DIAdem.
When executing DIAdem or DIAdem scripts under Windows Server 2003, runtime errors might occur due to an error in the runtime library of the system. As a workaround, Microsoft has provided a hotfix which you can download at you install an earlier DIAdem version after the installation of DIAdem 2011, the PDF export of this earlier version does not function. You can solve the problem in 10.1 to 11.1 if you copy the following files from the DIAdem 2011 program folder into the program folder of the earlier DIAdem version:
DIAdem 2011 is the last version to support the execution of AUT scripts and COD dialog boxes. This also applies to the AUT script block in DIAdem DAC. Any existing AUT scripts and COD dialog boxes to be used in future DIAdem versions must then be changed to VBS scripts and SUD dialog boxes. Refer to AUT/VBS Converter in the DIAdem online help for more information on this change.
DIAdem 2011 is the last version to support the loading of REPORT layouts in the old LPD format. To convert old LPD layouts into the current TDR format, load the LPD layout with DIAdem 2011 and save it in the standard TDR format.
Compatibility of DIAdem 2011 and DIAdem 2010
DIAdem 2011 no longer supports drivers for plugin-boards that still require the old ISA bus, not even on Windows XP. Already in earlier versions they could not be run on Windows Vista and Windows 7. This specifically concerns the following drivers:
Bedo Elektronik
Data Translation 281x
Data Translation Series 282x
Data Translation Series 283x
Eagle Electric PC 30x
Goldammer DA -16
Goldammer MultiChoice III
Goldammer MultiChoice Light
Intelligent Instrumentation PCI377W/428
Intelligent Instrumentation
Keithley DAS16
The GPI-based ASCII and Excel import wizards were replaced by import wizards in DIAdem 2011 that can also generate a DataPlugin. These can also help you to load more files of the same format without going through the wizard to load them. If you want to execute scripts based on old import wizards, or if you want to continue using them for other reasons, you must first register the respective GPI extensions GfSExcel.dll and GfSASCII.dll (Settings»Options»Extensions»GPI Extensions).
To export data from DIAdem to Excel, you can save them in TDM format and in Excel using the TDM Excel Add-In.
In DIAdem REPORT the clipping parameters "Only hide axes" and "Hide axes and curves" are not available, even if you load an old LPD layout. Instead, you can specify a background color for each report object. In the object settings, select white as the background color if you want to show report objects on top of the axis system.
DIAdem 2011 supports various new processes for loading data. Depending on the process, the data is loaded into the memory as required. Depending on the application, this can result in increased speed when working with large amounts of data. The default is automatic loading on first write access. Should you experience problems with certain applications, you can restore the previous mode in the NAVIGATOR settings. Refer to the online help Basics> DIAdem NAVIGATOR > Loading Bulk Data - General for more information on this setting.
Compatibility of DIAdem 2011 or DIAdem 2010 with Earlier Versions
In DIAdem 11.0 and later versions the default settings of the function groups are saved in a new format. The previous PAR files can no longer be read in. If you previously used user-defined settings of the function groups, you must recreate these settings.
The SUD file format is different in DIAdem 2010. You can load SUD files from earlier versions with DIAdem 2010, but you cannot load SUD files that you created in DIAdem 2010 with version 11.1 or earlier versions.
The font and color settings of the DIAdem editor and the SUD editor have been unified with the renewal of the SUD editor. The DIAdem SCRIPT settings are now valid for both editors. These settings are now saved in the registry and not in the workspace file.
The event procedure syntax in the SUD dialog editor has changed in DIAdem 2010. The definition of the variable this has been moved from the procedure body to the parameter list of the events. User dialog boxes that were created with earlier versions remain fully functional. When loading earlier SUD files into the dialog editor, DIAdem automatically converts these files into the new syntax. Refer to Converting User Dialog Boxes in the Help for further information.
The methods GetArgument and SetArgument for handling transfer parameters in user dialog boxes are no longer supported in the Dialog<NonModal> interface in DIAdem 2010 and later versions. These methods were already without a function before if the user dialog box was non-modal.
In earlier DIAdem versions the command Navigator.LoadData returned a Boolean value to indicate whether the loading operation was successful. From DIAdem 2010, a list with the loaded objects is returned instead. If you evaluated the previous return value in scripts, you can replace the earlier call Navigator.LoadData (...) with "CBool(Navigator.LoadData (...).count).
From DIAdem 2010, the CAN Converter directly creates a TDM file with an associated TDX file and no longer a TDM file with separate BIN files for every generated group. Now the BIN files are automatically deleted. You might have to remove the deletion of BIN files from your scripts.
New Features in DIAdem 2011General
The path of the help tree in DIAdem help, which guides you to this help page, is in the top line.
The help pages for the DIAdem dialog boxes contain information about the software package you require for each respective function.
DIAdem NAVIGATOR, DataFinder, Data Portal
Use the Excel DataPlugin Wizard to interactively create a new DataPlugin that DIAdem can use to read in or register similar spreadsheet files.
The loading behavior of DIAdem is more flexible now, which speeds up working with large files. If you load a file with very long channels using drag&drop, the Data Portal immediately displays all channels and their properties in the Data Portal. DIAdem only loads the associated mass data to the internal storage when you need it, for example if you want to edit data.
The ASAM ODS data browser has been enhanced:
Variable browse settings
Improved data preview
Improved working with submatrices
New API functions to set and read server parameters
Displays whether the server supports OR operators
The CAN converter supports PCAN-Trace logfiles (*.trc) and the Vector-CAN database format (*.dbc).
The CAN converter can read time stamps to start a trigger block in vector ASCII logfiles and stores these time stamps in the custom properties CANBeginTriggerBlock and CANEndTriggerBlock.
You can select several entries in the DataFinder and in ASAM-ODS data stores in the same way as in the data portal. Click the respective symbols one after the other to select several entries.
In the DataPlugins and in the DataPlugin wizard for text files, you can now select various character encodings (Automatic, ASCII, Unicode, Shift JIS).
The context menu object enables you to access the File browser, Data browser, DataFinder search results, Data store search results, and the channel preview from a user command.
You can display the value pairs based on longitude and latitude as lines.
You can specify how DIAdem moves the map section when using cursor synchronization.
You can load TDV files to existing layouts.
The context menu object enables you to access the context menu of DIAdem VIEW from a user command.
A new event OnDblClick is available, which triggers when double-clicking an area.
There are new markers available.
You can use the TabBarVisible property for Settings to specify whether DIAdem shows or hides the tabs to manage worksheets in VIEW.
In the DRI Crash function it is now possible to specify the direction of the DRI calculation and the damping coefficient if the DRI calculation is free.
The ASI calculation conforms with the current changes in the EN 1317 norm. DIAdem now filters the data with the CFC filter with the limit frequency CFR = 13Hz.
It is now also possible to copy properties to the calculation manager using drag&drop.
The presentation of reports has undergone fundamental changes. New drawing routines have improved the presentation of objects. Improved line rendering displays curves and axis systems without distracting jagged edges. Raster graphics such as PNG, GIF, and TIF support transparency and appear smoother at the edges thanks to antialiasing.
You can use the shortcut menu to copy worksheets. You can do this with the GraphSheetCopy command.
With the new character table dialog, you can insert symbols and special characters in many places in your text.
The dialog for managing worksheets has been revised and enhanced.
It is now simple and easy to add comments to curve points with one mouse click. DIAdem creates a comment with the x- and y-value of the curve point, to which you can add more text. If you move the axis system or change its size, the arrow of the comment will continue to point to the point on the curve.
You can now also transfer the properties of 3D objects.
You can change the value range of axis systems in REPORT using the mouse. It suffices to select the axis with the cursor and make manual adjustments to the value range by dragging it with the mouse or by rotating the mouse wheel.
In 2D tables you can truncate or wrap column texts at the column bound.
With the new column type Text list in 2D tables, you can save static or dynamic texts in the layout without referring to channels or scripts.
You can insert curve snippets into any kind of text.
There are new markers available.
You can determine the reference point of the legends.
In the characteristic diagram display you can specify additional isolines. Extended isolines allow you to highlight individual isolines.
In the characteristic diagram display you can specify whether DIAdem considers the isovalues when autoscaling the axes.
You can change the value range of axis systems in VISUAL using the mouse. It suffices to select the axis with the cursor and rotate the mouse wheel.
You can also select a transparent background for the block for formatted text output. Moreover you can hide the frame when necessary.
In the general settings of the DAC and VISUAL modules you can select a template that DIAdem loads when creating a new block diagram.
You can use the ScriptCMDRegister command to activate CodeCompletion for encrypted user functions. DIAdem takes the information for CodeCompletion from the TLB file.
You can use the DIAdem commands FTPConnect, FTPDisConnect, and FTPDownload to receive files from the FTP server.
The DataFileLoadSel command for selective loading now also supports name-based access as well as index-based access.
The new GroupCopy command copies one or more channel groups to a new position inside the Data Portal.
The LoadChannelsByName method for Navigator loads calculated measurements from an ASAM server to the Data Portal by their name. The bulk data can be generated by an external formula interpreter or through DIAdem calculations.
You can switch the SmartInfo in SCRIPT and in the dialog editor on and off with the shortcut <CTRL + SHIFT + T>.
DIAdem automatically wraps long tool tips in the dialog editor.
Fixed Issues in DIAdem 2011
The following list contains the CAR IDs and the descriptions of the problems solved between DIAdem 2010 and DIAdem 2011. Use the CAR ID to check in the list whether the issue has been fixed. The DIAdem Knowledgebase contains a list of fixed issues from earlier DIAdem versions under the search term Fixed Issues.
246030 | Under certain conditions (for example, under a Japanese operating system with the input help of MS Office 2010) the following error message might display when the program launches: "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library: Runtime Error! Program: C... R6030 -CRT not initialized". |
254127 | If DIAdem launches with particularly long start parameters, it might happen that the write access to the variable L1 to L32 is corrupt. |
258414 | The format specification for a binary display leads to an empty result. |
291257 | DIAdem does not shut down completely if the introduction screen is active and the ApplicationExit command is called. |
292263 | DIAdem may not start because the DataFinder cannot be initialized or because initialization takes very long. |
Data portal
251580 | If you drag a property from the Data Portal into the NAVIGATOR search area, the program might crash. |
255100 | The calculator and the calculation manager assign the "Entered" value instead of the "Calculated" value to the "Status" channel property. |
277681 | If you delete all values of a channel with the ChnAreaDel command, DIAdem also deletes all channel header information and the channel name. |
287051 | If the List view of the data portal is active and does not contain channels, DIAdem will crash when creating Root properties from a user dialog box or from a script containing the "UIAutoRefresh=True" statement. |
224112 | DIAdem cannot selectively load Access files with the *.accdb file extension and then open them as a data store. |
224402 | If an error occurs, the commands to open a DataFinder or a data store generate error messages that you cannot suppress with "On Error Resume Next". |
235383 | In the case of ASAM ODS data, DIAdem loads existing custom properties at SubTest and Test level with a loading configuration, even if these custom properties are not marked with <InstanceProperties> in the loading configuration. |
235952 | When loading data from an ASAM data store with a loading configuration and with the "Type_Property" name pattern, DIAdem loads the custom properties at the first SubTest level above the measurement with the prefix "TypeName" to the root. |
236228 | When loading ASAM ODS data, DIAdem uses a loading configuration to overwrite the custom properties of a main level with the custom properties of a sub level if these have the same name and the setting Inheritance: "None" and name pattern: "Property" are selected. |
236532 | In the case of ASAM ODS data, DIAdem uses a loading configuration with the Inheritance settings: "None", and name pattern: "Type_Property", to create an eponymous application property with a post fix, instead of ignoring this property. |
240828 | If you drag and drop elements from the NAVIGATOR tree into the Data Portal, the selection of the respective elements in the NAVIGATOR tree disappear. |
243576 | In the "My Computer" area of the file browser, DIAdem does not display all file name extensions of files that DIAdem has loaded as GPI file filters. |
249381 | The CAN Converter does not calculate the characteristic channel values minimum and maximum during conversion. |
251388 | The CAN Converter does not support NI CAN log files with the Header version 1.1 specified for NI XNET. |
253159 | DIAdem formats the name of a multiplexer group from the CAN conversion incorrectly if the mode is larger than 9999. |
253351 | The CAN Converter shortens float values and integer values with more than 32 bit to 32 bit integer values. |
253629 | Integer values read-in with the CAN Converter from CAN log files with a set bit 53 can differ from the original values. |
254653 | Loading TDMS files with absolute time channels takes a long time. |
256568 | DIAdem shortens units of DIAdem channels to 16 characters when exporting in Excel. |
257387 | The CAN Converter might crash if the signal comments in a DBC file contain more than 1024 characters. |
257815 | Because DIAdem uses the Motorola byte order, DIAdem reads multiplexer data with more than 8 bit and Intel byte order incorrectly into the CAN Converter. |
278169 | DIAdem incorrectly displays implicit channels of an ASAM data store. |
282332 | DIAdem no longer recognizes waveform channels, saved with a channel length of 0, as waveform channels when they are reloaded. |
283169 | The CAN Converter cannot always correctly convert ASCII logfiles from the company Vector, which contain tab characters instead of blanks as separators, and whose DBC signal description files are in the J1939 format. |
283173 | The CAN Converter converts Vector LOG logfiles with relative time stamps into absolute times, making this data unusable. |
284643 | DIAdem is unable to map enumerations in application properties from other sources to custom properties, and ignores these when loading. |
290192 | A DataPlugin, which uses a VBS DataPlugin as file reader, returns the error message that the eStoreChannelGroup variable is not defined if the USI versions are not the same. |
292075 | DIAdem reads-in large number values incorrectly with the DataPlugin for CSV files. |
294299 | When the CAN converter converts Vector logfiles, the time channel may display a sawtooth waveform under certain circumstances. |
294852 | If the CAN Converter converts Vector logfiles in which the ID of a frame is larger than the value of MaxUnsignedLong, DIAdem can only generate the signal with the Integer data type, not with the Float data type. |
296066 | DIAdem cannot load columns from the search results if the content of the columns only contains time information without date. |
296543 | The DataFinder does not register files if entire folders were copied into a search area or were deleted from a search area. |
298504 | If the CAN Converter converts Vector ASCII logfiles that contain more "Begin TriggerBlock" rows than "End TriggerBlock" rows, DIAdem may crash. |
247296 | If you enter Japanese characters into the advanced search, the program might crash if you are using Microsoft IME 2010. |
210213 | If a map has the focus, keyboard shortcuts do not work, for example <Ctrl+S>. |
258224 | Cursor synchronization is distorted because DIAdem does not always update videos fast enough. |
286405 | If Internet Explorer 8 is running on your system, error messages can occur when displaying maps. |
296327 | If the time channel increases monotonously, DIAdem does not synchronize a map with the cursor in the measurement mode. |
298703 | If you are running a contour display in the background (...Cursor.Play(FALSE)), the program will crash. |
301186 | Under certain circumstances, a corrupt WRL file will lead to a program crash. |
249371 | The ChnFFT command uses up memory depending on the number of values of the input channels. |
254396 | The Rainflow classification (Command: ChnRainCalc) leads to a program crash with specific classification parameters. |
257049 | DIAdem does not filter the data for the ASI calculation in accordance with the new norm EN 1317-1:2010 using a CFC filter with the limit frequency CFR = 13 Hz. |
276235 | If you limit the evaluation of the 3D interpolation (Command: MatD3Interp) to grid points within a closed, convex polygon, DIAdem, in rare cases, also uses points outside the polygon. |
286498 | The ChnDurInjuryCalc command used to calculate the time-at-level does not specify the result channel for the load durations of the positive and negative amplitudes. |
287428 | The calculation manager suppresses letters from these names in the graphic display when input names are similar. |
288818 | In the linear display, DIAdem calculates the last value incorrectly under certain conditions. |
291341 | The SRS function determines wrong result units if the setting "Calculate quantity-based" is active. |
293021 | A surface, interpolated from triplet data with the SISPL process, "sags" in certain cases. |
300653 | In the compound classification, DIAdem does not count values above the greatest class, despite open boundary classes. |
301971 | Under certain circumstances, the graphic display of a calculation instruction in the calculation manager displays the parameters of user functions incorrectly. |
238156 | In some cases, if you set "solid" and "filled" in the manual scaling mode, DIAdem displays a 3D surface or a characteristic diagram also outside the axis system. |
239754 | DIAdem does not recognize that a layout has changed if you only change the worksheet name through the context menu. For this reason DIAdem does not ask whether you want to save changes to the layout. |
240113 | In the differential characteristic diagram, DIAdem outputs the z-values of the first characteristic diagram instead of the values of the differential characteristic diagram if the measurement points are also displayed. |
240323 | If you select an object with the <TAB> key, DIAdem only displays the object name for a short time instead of waiting until the mouse pointer is on the next object to display the next object name. |
240332 | DIAdem ignores legend texts when outputting, for example, PDF files or PPT files if the "Word wrap" setting is active. |
243703 | The REPORT objects comment, rectangle, circle, and arrow cannot be selected through the menu in the Base version. |
244352 | If you transfer a layout from DIAdem REPORT to DIAdem VIEW with a textbox using the function "Transfer to VIEW", DIAdem does not display the textbox in DIAdem VIEW. |
246638 | If you set manual axis scaling in the 3D surface display, the surface might exceed the axis limits in the top view. This error does not occur in the characteristic diagram or the perspective view. |
247475 | If a worksheet is deleted in DIAdem REPORT and the process is then reversed with "Undo", only 2 worksheets remain. |
248422 | PowerPoint Export inserts EMF graphics into the generated PowerPoint files. When saving comprehensive reports with characteristic diagrams, DIAdem can save space by saving them in form of a PNG graphic. |
251299 | If the character set in the comment object is set incorrectly, errors and corrupt layouts occur. |
257012 | When performing a curve transformation for channels, the information about the channel group is incorrect. |
257382 | If you move, copy, or create REPORT pages, the GraphSheetCurrNo variable may contain incorrect page numbers. |
276872 | Fillings below curves with transparent colors require too much time if the channels are long. |
277039 | The alignment of subaxis ticks to the main axis grid is not always ideal for the scaling mode "Begin and end manual". |
285784 | DIAdem incorrectly displays legends with a symbol field width of 0%. |
285785 | DIAdem does not display legends with a width of 100% and an x-position of 0%. |
286344 | If, in a layout, you execute the command ScriptStart() before refreshing the layout, DIAdem only outputs the last page when exporting to PDF. |
286851 | Formula graphics do not support scaled display. |
287253 | In the Layout Parameters dialog box, you cannot choose between "Relative" and "Scaled" if the page size is fixed. |
288228 | If, in a characteristic diagram, several isolines are defined in the contour display and the first defined isoline does not lie within the displayed value range, DIAdem displays the remaining isolines in the incorrect color and in the incorrect line style. |
288230 | If you use the NoValue value as line interval, this will lead to a program crash with certain displays. |
292053 | You cannot use the name of a previously deleted curve to create a new curve. |
292245 | As of DIAdem 2011, a REPORT page can contain up to 1000 objects (Variable: ObjectNoMax). |
292752 | DIAdem incorrectly displays a characteristic diagram and its legend with a logarithmic scaling type for the z-axis. |
293197 | As of DIAdem 2011, DIAdem no longer supports the setting "Clip against axes and curves" and requires changeover to a display with background color. |
293773 | In certain cases, DIAdem additionally displays curve end labels at incorrect positions in 2D axis systems. |
298281 | You cannot change object properties if you copy the objects into new worksheets after previously deleting worksheets. |
302069 | When displaying the full load curve in a characteristic diagram, DIAdem does not consider the set partial load structure tolerance. |
302801 | The lower limit of the color legend of a characteristic diagram, whose color is defined in a contour table, is incorrect. |
303926 | In the 3D view of a characteristic diagram, DIAdem also draws points outside the boundaries of the z-axis. |
239974 | You cannot change properties that have enumeration terms, such as DisplayType, with the object-oriented script interface for internal data. |
240798 | The Count property for the ModelProperties collection and For Each loops with this collection do not consider properties whose application name is the same as the base name. |
242322 | You cannot use the IsKindOf method of the ValueWithUnit object with the documented parameter eTypeValueUnit. |
249379 | If you call commands that use temporary data channels several times in a script, DIAdem executes these commands increasingly slowly. |
249900 | You cannot access the coordinate of a 3D model in DIAdem VIEW via the object-oriented script interface. |
251060 | If you access the CurrColumn property in a channel table that displays all channels, DIAdem will crash. |
256143 | In rare cases, the CurrArea property for Sheet can lead to a program crash. |
277038 | Using bookmarks in DIAdem SCRIPT and in the script view of the dialog editor consumes memory space. |
277040 | You cannot check the result values of some functions for validity with the IsNull() function. |
277832 | When requesting the channel property "wf_samples" using the script interface for internal data, DIAdem reports that "The variable uses an automation type not supported in VBScript". |
288253 | The methods Navigator.RegisterDataProvider() and Navigator.RegisterDataPlugin() do not display an error message if the file does not exist and the "SilentMode" parameter is "True". The return value in case of an error is False. |
298074 | The GetValueList and GetValueLimits methods of the IndexedProperty object create problems in the DIAdem debugger when you transfer a Query object in the parameter list. DIAdem then displays this error message: "The object called is invalid". |
298707 | Under certain circumstances DIAdem does not display script errors. |
User dialog boxes
197225 | The dialog editor truncates long variable names in the overview of DIAdem variables. |
230683 | Scripts in user dialogs ignore the WriteWithoutAsk variable. |
239568 | If you change between the normal view and the script view, DIAdem may not save changes. |
257042 | DIAdem does not display an error message if you register, but do not implement, an event in a user dialog box. |
258570 | Copying and pasting a text to a user dialog box generates a control without the ObjectCode property. This leads to a crash when loading the dialog box. |
277354 | Under certain circumstances, the user dialog box in DIAdem VIEW displays the error message "Unknown error" instead of the script error. |
235360 | Several hardware clock systems that have greatly differing sampling rates, can lead to buffer overflows. |
235373 | The NI-DAQmx driver does not support the three independent clock units for analog inputs of the cDAQ-9174 hardware and cDAQ-9178 hardware. |
237216 | Input instruments cannot be initialized with NoValues. |
239979 | Measurements over time using the script driver may, under certain conditions, consumes memory. |
245558 | DIAdem does not draw vertical grids in the xy-display. |
249571 | The interface monitor displays the received data in non-readable form. |
251530 | The script driver does not support data sockets. |
254406 | The scaled values of the y-axes may be cut off if DIAdem automatically scales the displays. |
276566 | When measuring with channels with several SCXI modules, DIAdem initializes a DAQ task for each SCXI module. This leads to an error when starting the measurement. |
277033 | Under certain circumstances the script driver may cause access violations. |
283345 | If you save a DAC block diagram that contains an alarm generator block, DIAdem saves this block incorrectly. |
289048 | The DAQmx driver does not support all default units of NI DAQmx. |
293217 | DIAdem cannot use certain unit symbols in the scaling blocks and formula blocks correctly. |
294048 | In the numeric display, DIAdem incorrectly displays NoValues if you move the display from the non-visible to the visible area. |
294057 | If the data portal is empty or no matching files are loaded, the "Free linearization via channels" block loses already defined channel references when saving. |
296559 | A calibration measurement can lead to error messages if the driver or the block diagram use the ScriptStart command. |
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