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NI-Motion 5.2 Win32Eng NI运动驱动程序5.2版 适用LabVIEW6.1

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Windows系统下(Linux和MAC系统下请自行了解清楚)NI的各种软件、模块、工具包、驱动程序,使用NI许可证管理器来激活的,绝大部分的都可以使用NI Lincense Activator来激活,以下链接可下载:
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NI-Motion 5.2 Win32Eng NI运动驱动程序5.2版  适用LabVIEW6.1

NI-Motion为NI运动器件的驱动程序,开发软件为NI SoftMotion,及Motion Assistant。

NI-Motion 5.2
Windows 2000
Windows 95
Windows 98
Windows ME
Windows NT
Windows XP

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NI-Motion 5.2 Win32Eng NI运动驱动程序5.2版 适用LabVIEW6.1



NI-Motion for Windows XP/2000/NT/Me/9x
Version 5.2

Please Turn on Word Wrap!

This file contains only last-minuteinformation that did not make it into the NI-Motion Version 5.2 Release Notesor the NI-Motion Software and VIs documentation. Refer to the NI-Motion 5.2Release Notes for important information on compatibility with previous versionsof FlexMotion Software, software and hardware installation instructions, and alist of new features.

The NI-Motion 5.2 Release Notes areavailable in soft copy by selecting the Start>>;Programs>>NationalInstruments>>Motion>>NI-Motion>>NI-Motion Release Notes fromthe Windows taskbar.

Readme Contents

Installing NI-Motion
When you install NI-Motion 5.2, MSI 2.0 isautomatically installed, if it has not been installed previously. On mostsystems, this will require you to reboot after the MSI 2.0 installation andbefore the NI-Motion 5.2 installation. After rebooting, the NI-Motion 5.2installer should begin automatically. If it does not automatically begin,restart the installer manually.

If you are installing NI-Motion on aWindows NT 4.0 system, you must have updated the operating system to ServicePack 6 or higher.

Update Firmware on NI Motion Controllers
If you have an NI motion controller withversion 5.1.x firmware or earlier, you must download the 5.2 firmware for yourcontroller to work properly with the new version 5.2 software. Refer to the MAXfor Motion Online Help for details on upgrading your firmware.

Zero Velocity in Velocity Mode
When you run your NI motion controller invelocity mode, if you change your velocity from a non-zero value to zero andapply the velocity change by calling Start Motion, the axis will actuallycontinue to move at a very slow rate of one count/step every few seconds. Toavoid this behavior, decelerate to a stop using the Stop Motion command.

FlexMotion-6C Compatibility
For Flexmotion-6C, we recommend youcontinue using Flexmotion 5.1.x. NI-Motion 5.2 is not compatible with Flexmotion-6C controllers.

The NI-Motion 5.2 CD does not containValueMotion.  The latest version ofValueMotion is 5.0.2 and can be downloaded from www.ni.com/support

If you disconnect power or remove the 1394cable from the FW-7344 without notifying the system beforehand, Measurement andAutomation Explorer may crash when it is refreshed. To avoid this, remove theFW-7344 through the "Safely Remove Hardware" process by clicking onthe icon in the lower right part of the Windows taskbar near the clock.

MID 7604/02 Users
Although the MID-7604/7602 User Guide saysthe polarity for the step and direction lines are active-low, the polarity isactive high. The default setting for step and direction in Measurements andAutomation Explorer (MAX) is active low. You should change the stepper polaritysetting to active high in MAX. Furthermore, you may also need to switch MotorPhase A and Motor Phase B on the Stepper Motors connector on the back of theMID-7604/7602 to maintain the same direction of travel.

Analog Gearing with Stepper Motors
When using analog gearing, and the slaveaxis is a stepper motor, set the polarity for step and direction to activehigh.

Virtual Boards
Adding or removing Virtual Boards requiresadministrator privileges.

Assigning Resources to non-default axes
If you assign to one axis a second axis'default output and feedback resources, and then disable the second axis, thefirst axis will be unusable.  To avoidthis, enable the second axis and assign to it an unused feedback resource.

Importing MAX Settings from a PreviousVersion of FlexMotion
When importing Measurement and AutomationExplorer (MAX) settings from a previous version of FlexMotion, the name of thesettings is not guaranteed to be unique. If you already have a settings object in MAX that has the same name asthe one you are importing, you will see two settings with the same name in the"Change Current Settings..." dialog. No data is lost in either settings object.  You will need to change the name of one ofthe objects before using either of the objects with the same name.  This can be done through the "ChangeCurrent Settings..." dialog by right-clicking on one of the settings andselecting "Rename."

VI and C Function documentation
The help topics listed below do not mentionsupport for all 734x/7334 boards but do apply to all of these boards:

C Function Help Topics (FlexSW.hlp):

VI Help Topics(FlexVI.hlp):
General-Purpose IO Ports
RTSI Applications with Motion

The topics listed below mention multipleboards but only apply to the 7344:

C Function Help Topics (FlexSW.hlp):
flex_set_op_mode (In this topic, contouringonly applies to the 7344)
FlexMotion Controller Compatibility(Arbitrary moves are only available with the 7344)

VI Help Topics (FlexVI.hlp):
Controller Differences (The 7342 has thesame features as the 7334 except that it can be servo or stepper, it hasgearing, and it only has two axes.)
Copyright (c) National Instruments 1996,2002. All Rights Reserved.
